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Saturday, 21 February 2015

Technical experts?

This afternoon, we had a visit from an old friend Chris who now lives in the Cotswolds but who used to live in our village.  She was being helped by my wife to send a Facebook message to another friend. Chris is certainly no IT wizard, bless her, but she and her husband Pete have hearts of gold which is far more important.

Friday, 20 February 2015

TV music?

Perhaps it is because I am getting older, but I find the background (?) music really really annoying these days.   For example, my wife is watching Musketeers at the moment, but it seems we have to have music in the background (?) for dramatic effect.  Many continental programmes are much better!  Personally, I'd like to turn down the music and leave the dialogue up. It is a sad day when you have to have subtitles on to understand the dialogue. This is not because of hearing defects. Why do we have to be treated as idiots?

Likewise I get seriously annoyed with many science programmes. Yet again, there is about 5 minutes of "meat" in an hour of programme.  Dumbing down! We are all treated as if we are 3 year olds and have no science background.  Maybe this is true for most viewers? Somehow I doubt this.

East Anglian Churches blog

Today we visited Isleham and Fordham.  Our blog has been updated to include these two places.

See .

Greece deal?

It looks like Greece has "won" a 4 month extension of its debt obligations, so they don't run out of money just yet. It still seems risky for Greece. At some point, not too far away in the near future, its creditors will want their money back.  It seems to me any deal just delays this critical point.

As they say, "you reap what you sow". Greece has lived too long way beyond its means and shortly their "chickens will come home to roost". Mind you, lots of other places including the UK have been living for far too long on borrowed money.

All nations have to live within their means.

See .

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Flempton, Suffolk

This Suffolk church was open.  It is situated on the A1101 between Mildenhall and Bury St Edmunds.  It is famous for a window dedicated to the last lord of the manor. The parishes of Flempton and nearby Hengrave share the same vicar these days. The parish dates back to Anglo-Saxon times.  See

We ate next door (just behind the church) at The Greyhound pub where we enjoyed good, simple pub grub but with excellent service. Being right behind the church, I can recommend this pub. It looks nothing special but both the food and service were excellent.

See our blog about visits to East Anglian Churches .   We enjoyed the winter sunshine and temperatures of 10 degrees C.   The churchyard was fairly wild and rambling, but delightful nonetheless.

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Ukraine fighting goes on

Why do so many not trust Mr Putin? He is ex-KGB allegedly and he still wants to impose his influence  on the countries that once formed the USSR. I'd like to believe his motives in Ukraine are honorable but I struggle with this.

Although the recent ceasefire is mostly holding, there is heavy fighting in the disputed Debaltseve region.  See .

UPDATE 1045z 18.2.15: See . It appears Ukraine has admitted defeat in Debaltseve.


Today we did our annual walk of about 1.5km around Landwade. This time we had our little "London" grandchildren with us. The walk is always beautiful. The small private church is surrounded by a sea of snowdrops and aconites at this time of year. Although the walk was in bright sunshine, there was plenty of mud.

See .