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Wednesday, 25 February 2015

HIV game changer?

See .

At one time the diagnosis of HIV/AIDS was a death sentence.  Now, with new drugs, more people are living with HIV and not dying. There is hope.

Anglesey Abbey

This afternoon we did (yet another) visit to Anglesey Abbey for a winter walk. The snowdrops looked magnificent all over the place. Although some daffodils are now dying, most have still to come out. Aconites and hellebores look good.

I have come to the conclusion that it is better to be disabled in a way clear to others than have a disability that cannot be seen easily. At Anglesey Abbey there were quite a few people who were clearly disabled. My wife says when I walk you cannot tell I have a disability. Inside I still feel like I am drunk, I tire easily and I still feel wobbly when walking.  My voice is still poor and swallow of thin liquids is poor.  Most people think I am fine now. I am still a long way from that although I still feel I am making slow improvements.

See .

Round Church, Cambridge

See .

My other blog on East Anglian churches was updated today to include "The Round Church" in Cambridge, which dates back to 1130AD and is one of the oldest buildings in the city.

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Market stability?

The FTSE 100 closed about 37 points higher today, an all time high.  The pound is worth 1.365 euros. Apparently the Greeks have reached agreement with their creditors for a 4 month delay in debt repayments.

It remains to be seen if this is the end of the Greek crisis or just a postponement of the inevitable?

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Stroke after-effects

It is now 17 months since my cerebellum brain bleed. Recovery is much slower than I was expecting or had wished. Although my eyes, ears and limbs all work, there are a few things that may be effects of the bleed. These include a slowness to recognise spelling errors: sometimes it is the next day I spot the error. Also, my short-term memory seems to be somewhat worse. Overall, my intellect is fine.

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Technical experts?

This afternoon, we had a visit from an old friend Chris who now lives in the Cotswolds but who used to live in our village.  She was being helped by my wife to send a Facebook message to another friend. Chris is certainly no IT wizard, bless her, but she and her husband Pete have hearts of gold which is far more important.

Friday, 20 February 2015

TV music?

Perhaps it is because I am getting older, but I find the background (?) music really really annoying these days.   For example, my wife is watching Musketeers at the moment, but it seems we have to have music in the background (?) for dramatic effect.  Many continental programmes are much better!  Personally, I'd like to turn down the music and leave the dialogue up. It is a sad day when you have to have subtitles on to understand the dialogue. This is not because of hearing defects. Why do we have to be treated as idiots?

Likewise I get seriously annoyed with many science programmes. Yet again, there is about 5 minutes of "meat" in an hour of programme.  Dumbing down! We are all treated as if we are 3 year olds and have no science background.  Maybe this is true for most viewers? Somehow I doubt this.