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Friday, 6 March 2015

FTSE lower?

Although there are only small movements, the FTSE 100 share index seems to be drifting a little lower today. It is early in the day and a lot can change still. As I write this at 1112z it is 0.18 % down on the day.

UPDATE 1142z:  The FTSE 100 is staging a fight-back! It is currently 0.06% lower.

UPDATE 2220z:  At the end of the day it ended down 0.71%.

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Johanna Sallstrom

See .

My wife and I much enjoy the Swedish language Wallander series on TV but were saddened to hear that the actress who played Linda took her own life as a result of depression. She was an excellent actress. She died in 2007. Tragic.

Miniature trains again in Kingsbridge, Devon

Recently I sponsored a short length of track for this miniature railway. I really hope they make a success of the venture.

See .

See also

From Branch Line News, p23:

"MR213] Kingsbridge Miniature Railway, Devon: Between 1969 and 1991 a 7¼" gauge miniature railway ran in the town, along Squires Quay (SX735440). Apparently, there are now plans to bring a miniature railway back. The Kingsbridge & Salcombe Gazette posted an article on its web site on 21 November 2014, titled Council backs railway revival. The question where has the train gone? is apparently the second most common one put to staff at the Tourist Information Centre - after where is the ferry? ACTIONWEST director Steve Mammatt made a presentation to the Kingsbridge Town Council at their meeting on 11 November, which was very well received. A photo of the old railway, posted on the Kingsbridge Old Locals Facebook page, had been received with over 300 'likes' and comments of how it was missed. This kicked Steve into action to see if he could get the much-loved attraction back up and running. The new line, due to the state of the pavement, would no longer be able to run along the same side - the car park side closest to the Quayside Leisure Centre. So Steve said he was looking to have it run along the other side, on Embankment Road. In the, admittedly early, plan it would run from the Quay end of the estuary down to the sheltered seating area opposite the recreation ground. A small shed by the shelter on the pavement would keep the trains safe when not in use.  A gauge of 7¼" gauge is suggested, with a 5" rail also added to allow enthusiasts to be invited to run their locomotives during 'Steam Weekend' events. Most of the cost of the locomotive and the carriages has been covered by sponsorship from a couple of local businesses. Tally Ho! Coaches are keen to have a carriage with their name on it and Steve also has had offers from Herring Shoes, Toad Hall Cottages, Ashby's Easy Stores and WM Construction."

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Oxburgh Hall

Today we visited Oxburgh Hall in Norfolk.  This is a  fine moated house that looks more like a fortified castle. It has excellent grounds that had lots of snowdrops out. At the moment the daffodils have still to come out. We had the fine homemade leek and potato soup for lunch.
Oxburgh Hall, Norfolk, UK
See .

See also .

Monday, 2 March 2015

Red Legged Partidges,326,936,694)
The image above resides on the RSPB website and not on this blog. The image and link will be immediately removed if this infringes any copyright law or is otherwise a problem to its owner.

When we first moved to our bungalow (19 months ago) we saw 2 red legged partridges regularly in the road and in the garden.Then we saw 3 for a day. After that (for the last 6 months) there has just been 1. Now, today, we have just seen 2 again. I hope it is a male and a female and they stop around and have young!

The red legged partridge is an introduced species, but it is the commonest partridge with 82000 territories. It is a very good looking bird. The ones locally seem quite content.

See red legged partridge RSPB page .

Female models - smile!

Why do most female models look so unbelievably miserable? Almost without exception, the "look" seems to appear as miserable as possible and never smile.  Surely, if you want dresses to sell then wear a smile at least! I am sure models used to look nice and smile.

Sunday, 1 March 2015


As I see it, the greatest deterrent against extremism would be for suicidal terrorists to be told that it is very doubtful indeed that they will go to paradise when they die. Most Muslims believe that it a sin against God/Allah to kill.  Many are prepared to die because of an incorrect assumption. I wonder how many would be prepared to die if a hell awaited them? Not many I expect.

They should not assume what they do is "in the name of the prophet" as it is not.

The world would be such a nicer place if everyone could live in a state of mutual respect and fairness. We are all different but all deserve the right to freedom, happiness and peace. It is usually an accident of birth what religion (if any) we follow. Some Jews could just have easily been Muslims and vice versa.