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Saturday, 14 March 2015


Saddham's old stronghold is currently being fought over in Iraq and may fall to Iraqi government forces soon we are told.

See .

Friday, 13 March 2015

Afghanistan war

Brave men and women fought in Afghanistan, but overall with hundreds of UK service men and women dead and thousands injured or scarred psychologically was it worth it? The British have fought in Afghanistan since the first half of the 19th century. We again left with a job half done. Wars are no way to win hearts and minds.

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Thursday, 12 March 2015

365 Project

Both my wife and I are doing  the "365 Project". The idea is simple: just take a photo every day of the year. It makes a very good record of what we have been doing. Some choose to put up arty photos but we choose mainly "ordinary" photos i.e. the stuff of everyday life - things that may mean something to us but may not mean a lot to others.

Today we went to Wimpole Hall so I chose this tame robin as my picture for today.

See .

Wimpole Hall

As it was bright, mild and sunny (14 deg C) we decided to go for a walk at Wimpole Hall, the National Trust place west of Cambridge. We also stopped there for a simple lunch.

See .

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

FTSE 100 index and Sepura shares (SEPU)

The FTSE 100 share index has recovered a little of the big losses of yesterday when the markets were spooked by the slowdown in China and possible interest rate rises in USA. Sepura (my old company) lost ground a bit today.

Against the euro, the pound got better today ending up at 1.418 euros to the UK pound. I still think a Greek exit from the euro is highly possible as I cannot see a quick fix to their debt problems.   The Greeks still hate the Germans as a result of WW2. This could end in real disaster for Greece. A return to their old national currency would not be an easy move.

Have you noticed how the Japanese yen has weakened in recent years? Not many years ago it was about 125 yen to the UK pound. Now it is more like 183 yen to the UK pound and has been as high as 189 yen to the pound.

East Anglian Churches Blog

Today we visited a couple more churches near Cambridge and I have updated our churches blog.

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Tuesday, 10 March 2015


Today was the last session of my University of the 3rd Age in Cambridge course entitled "Maps in the Digital Age". It was a very good course and taught me a great deal. It is amazing how far map data has come. Apparently, resolutions down to 30cm are now available on civilian satellite maps. One can only imagine the resolution available to the military.