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Sunday, 22 March 2015

Stroke - further update

Although there are signs I am still making a slow recovery, I am really aware of my health shortcomings currently. Although my poor swallow of thin liquids and poor voice are perhaps the most obvious symptoms to others, it is my fatigue that gets me most. It appears that both physical and mental  activities exhaust me. Having 2 of the grandchildren for 2 nights and picking them up from Birchhanger Services has really tired me out far more than I expected.

It seems I have to pace myself more and not exhaust myself. It is not just physical activity. I need to be careful not to tire myself mentally too. I am told that it is my brain learning to rewire itself. Both physical and mental things are exhausting right now. Plenty of rest is needed.

In the last 1.5 years I have suddenly felt so much older and so much more more vulnerable.

Semi-tame ducks

For some time now we have had  a pair of tame mallard ducks waddling around our close. Today they were curious when we arrived home and came into the drive and front garden. The photo shows our granddaughter Amandine looking at them. When they realised there was no food on offer, they went down the road.


We have our "London" grandchildren staying for a few days and nights. The house goes from order to disorder very quickly! 

I am still suffering the after effects of my cerebellum brain bleed in Sept 2013 so I get tired quickly. I really love seeing all my little ones, but wish I had more energy.

This is a recent picture of them all taken by one of my sons in Kent.

Friday, 20 March 2015

St Helena and its new airport

After hundreds of years of isolation being served only by the regular mail boat from Cape Town every few weeks, St Helena will have an airport (£250m) opening next year. The population is only 4000, wages are low and the opening of the air link is likely to change this small territory for ever. It was once the home of Napoleon after his defeat at Waterloo. Otherwise it has no real claim to fame. It is located in the South Atlantic.

Tristan da Cuhna much further south remains without air transport.
Relatively near Ascension Island has air links with the UK and the Falkland Islands.

See .
See also .

FTSE 100 - will it reach 7000 today?

The FTSE 100 share index has been up and down recently.  However, it is edging (on average) ever closer to the 7000 barrier and as long as it continues its climb today, it could end the day above 7000. We'll soon know. If not today, it seems likely this barrier will be broken, although it could fall again just as fast.

UPDATE 1508z:   At the moment, the FTSE 100 index is at 6991.41.

UPDATE 1614z:  Well, it climbed over 7000 and currently is at 7013.

UPDATE 2005z:  It ended the day at 7022.5 i.e. way up.   I wonder how long before it has a dramatic fall?

Eclipse - a non-event here

As there was quite thick cloud here, the partial solar eclipse was a bit of a non-event here, although it was better elsewhere in the UK. I did a walk at the best time. Although the clouds were dark and it looked like it was about to rain, the sun was not visible here sadly. This was a partial eclipse but at 95-98% in the UK still pretty full. I remember the full eclipse in 1999 as we were on holiday in Gloucestershire and got good views. The next chance is in 2026.

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

East Anglian Churches blog

Today we went up to the north of the fenland area (these days pretty dire!) to visit Walpole St Peter, which A.Clifton-Taylor called the loveliest church in England. The East Anglian Churches blog has been updated.

See .