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Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Swallows - not quite gone yet

This morning, there were 6 swallows feeding over the allotments about 200m from our house. These may have been passing through and getting a good feed before the very long journey ahead.

Fair thee well and see you in April, if nature is willing.

Monday, 21 September 2015


Today I heard the Chinese are selling a rip-off of the RaspberryPi called the OrangePi.

Before long, all our consumer and professional goods will be "Made in China". China is still a low cost manufacturing area and we are happy for them to have low wages and sweat-shop working conditions which would not be accepted here.

We complain about their pollution yet are happy to pay low costs for underpants, fridges and everything. Nothing, it appears, is made in the West.

As the Chinese get richer they will expect better working conditions and will refuse to be sweat-shop fodder. When this time comes China will become another Japan. No doubt, we will look to other countries with sweat-shops and low costs: we are addicted to low costs.

In the end this cannot be compatible with "living within our means". Our low costs for borrowing will end and we will catch a cold. The only answer, in the longer term, is to bring back manufacturing to the West and pay realistic prices. The writing is writ large on the wall. China is gradually ruining the West and we are all fools to be so taken in. Sadly, it is very hard to fight.

Sunday, 20 September 2015

Migrant birds

Around this time most of our summer migrant birds are heading south for warmer weather and more insects. Most swifts will have gone now to return here at the end of April or the start of May next year.

Today I saw a swallow and that may be the last this year. Some young birds may be around for a few weeks and it is just possible some may remain in South Devon and South Cornwall all year. Just a few may survive on the coast where there may be insects near seaweed all year. I once saw some swallows in South Devon on Dec 7th but that is very late. No, most are now gone to return next spring, at least gone from East Anglia. Some travel thousands of miles all the way to South Africa - a truly remarkable journey -  often returning to the very same next site they left. Quite remarkable.

The migration of birds is almost miraculous. I am sorry to see them leave but my heart is always glad when they return.

Of course, to some birds we are seen as warm! The Whooper and Bewick swans join us for our winter as do the fieldfares and redwings.

If really lucky, we might even see a waxwing. I keep looking but have failed so far. Some winters there are thousands, but I have not been lucky, as yet. They are often seen on berries in supermarket car parks. You just have to be in the right place at the right time.

See .

There is something good in every season.

UPDATE 1750z:  There were 2 swallows overhead in the pleasant afternoon sunshine.

Saturday, 19 September 2015

Burwell Museum and Windmill

Burwell Museum now includes the restored windmill. Entirely manned by volunteers it is a truly exceptional museum and there is so much to see and do. Our grandchildren love going there. Luckily we live right opposite the windmill and can see it when we eat our meals!

See .

Several updates to the East Anglian Churches blog

Today we visited the delightful Norfolk town of Hingham with its greens and fine Georgian houses. We ate lunch at the Lincoln Tea Shoppe and Bistro which is across the main Norwich-Watton road from the church and just off Fairgreen. Onthe way there and back we visited several churches and I have updated the church blog to include this.
Earlier this week we returned to Dalham church so I have updated the entry last February for Dalham too.

See .

Tuesday, 15 September 2015


Stroke - I am still finding things out. The latest revelation seems to be an inability to realise when spellings are wrong. In the past I could easily tell when things were wrong but sometimes it is days before I spot a spelling mistake or that a word is missing.

I also struggle with words - I just cannot bring to mind the right word. I know this did not happen before. I have been struggling since Saturday for one word. I still cannot recall the right word! FRACTAL! Now I have looked it up I shall probably remember it. It is almost as if dragging things up from some parts of my brain is harder than it was.

Monday, 14 September 2015

Jeremy Corbyn elected Labour leader

You either love him or hate him it seems. Jeremy Corbyn has been elected as the new UK Labour leader by a huge majority that would not have been believed just a few months ago.

I cannot see his left wing views finding favour with the voting public and I cannot see Labour regaining government at the next General Election due in 2020. He has radical views (very left wing). Personally, I think some of his ideas are good ones. We live in interesting times.

After WW2 a very left wing government was elected (ousting Churchill) and introduced the NHS and nationalised the mines and the railways. Who can tell what people will want in 2020? Maybe when Cameron leaves office we will see a big swing to the left?