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Saturday, 9 January 2016

Some grandchildren here

Our son Tim came up from London for a few hours this afternoon with our two "London" grandchildren. They all went home again at teatime. It was good to see them, albeit briefly.

Friday, 8 January 2016

Anglesey Abbey in winter

We visit the extensive grounds at nearby Anglesey Abbey, owned by the National Trust, most months.  There is always something to see whatever the season.  Everything is early this year because it has been so mild down here. Many snowdrops are out, some daffodils are already dying and lots of other flowers are in bloom.  The photo shows one of the lawns in winter with bare trees. The weather is expected to be much colder next week. I wonder what happens if we get a really cold snap?

Thursday, 7 January 2016


As it was dry this afternoon, we went into Cambridge for a walk around the Backs. There were aconites and snowdrops out, but we only saw one daffodil out.

Cambridge is famous for its bikes!

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Tax return completed today

I finished my tax return today, but suspect there may be an error in the calculation of tax due because of an error at the IRC with the calculation algorithm. I need to check first, but will write if I am correct. I only found this by accident.

There was also (yet again) a problem writing in the section for you to add any other comments. One is very restricted in the characters one can use. Why, oh why, is this form so stupid in this day and age?  Surely it should be possible to create a form which would allow you to simply write or at the very least tell you what the error is if you make one?

After nearly 2 days I was not impressed.

Monday, 4 January 2016

Tax return

I am doing my tax return online. It has to be done by the end of January.  Apparently I owe the Inland Revenue much more than I thought although I am sure I must have made a mistake. My wife says look at the form again tomorrow when my head is clearer. She is right.

Sunday, 3 January 2016


This weekend we drove up to Barnsley, Yorkshire, staying one night away to help one of the relatives of Lis celebrate her 30th wedding anniversary.  It was my furtherest drive since my stroke. It was a good chance for Lis to see relatives she has not seen for many years and to revisit old haunts in Barnsley.

Friday, 1 January 2016

2016 is here

So, the new year is with us. A time for new beginnings and new hopes. May I wish  every reader of this blog, where ever you live on this small, shared, planet of ours, a very happy and peaceful 2016. I hope we can all enjoy 2016 in peace and goodwill.

My main ambition is to make the most of life: it is a precious gift.

So I really hope you have a great 2016 whatever your situation. We must grab life with both hands.