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Saturday, 19 March 2016

Getting ready for summer?

As we walked past today, it looks like the Burwell cricket team was getting ready for the new season.

The Tan House is the biggest house in the village and was once the home of Francis Pimm who was at one time Foreign Secretary in the government.

Friday, 18 March 2016

FTSE 100 roller coaster

After rising earlier, the FTSE 100 UK share index ended the day down 0.19%.

Dull, wet winter

We have had a mild, wet winter here in East Anglia, UK. There have been more muddy, wet puddles than I can ever recall. I have lived in this part of the UK since 1970.  They were forecasting a very cold winter. Mind you, they said this last year! At some point they will be correct. Most spring flowers came out very early.

It re-enforces my view that the most reliable forecast is to look out of the window! We had rain last night, but I don't think it was forecast.

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Ickworth (National Trust) walk.

As members of the National Trust, we are very lucky to have several properties with fine grounds nearby.  Today, as the sun was shining, we went to Ickworth not far from Bury St Edmunds. Although there were lots of lambs, the daffodils are still not out, in the main. A few are, but most are still in bud. All the NT places nearby are very different. We also made use of our free "tea for 2" voucher which came with a card.

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Summer bird migrants arriving

The wheatears have started arriving back in Devon and soon it will be martins and swallows. The long winter will soon be behind us.

See .

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FTSE 100 on a roller coaster ride

The roller coaster ride continues. Presently, the FTSE 100 UK share index is up 0.35%.  It was higher still.

This is budget day in the UK so a lot can change later. I am still expecting big falls once the punters wake up in the real world with all its problems.

I would not be surprised to see the FTSE 100 at 5000 rather than around 6161. It will recover later, but we have uncertainty ahead.

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

FTSE 100 UK share index

At the moment, the FTSE is down on yesterday.  I am not too surprised, although as I speak it is trying to come back.

UPDATE 1124z:  Currently it is down 0.59% on yesterday.

UPDATE 2300z:  The FTSE 100 index ended the day down 0.56% on yesterday.  It fell a lot then hovered around at this lower level most of the day.