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Saturday, 23 September 2017

Uber taxis in London

Uber has lost its licence to operate in London. It is to appeal.

A petition has 500000 signatures already calling on the London authorities to have a change of heart. My son and his wife use Uber.

I am unclear of the facts, but it rather smacks of Luddites with black cab drivers being annoyed their livelihoods are being threatened by 21st century methods and tools. A bit like online shops hitting the high streets?

My view is we cannot stop this: change happens and we have to adapt. Bank branches are closing as many do banking online. Bookshops close as many buy books online. What the high street will look like in 10 years is anyone's guess. All we can say is, "it will be different".

Uber has to follow the rules and is not above the law. Nonetheless, their model works and others will have to adapt and follow .....or die. Think of newspapers.

Friday, 22 September 2017

"Our" windmill next door

We are very lucky to live next door to a 200 year old fully restored windmill. Not many can look on a 4 sailed windmill over breakfast!

The photo shows the mill this morning a few hours after sunrise. My apologies for the compost bins in the foreground.

Thursday, 7 September 2017

Eating in Canterbury

Earlier this week, we took our "Kent" grandchildren into Canterbury on the bus. Whilst there, we bought them a drink and a bun in a café near Canterbury cathedral.

Saturday, 2 September 2017

Churches blog updated

After an age, I have updated the churches blog at with the Cambridge Leper Chapel that dates from the 1100s. We visited this for the first time today, although we have been past it many times.

Wednesday, 30 August 2017


Several years ago, we visited Iceland and were surprised just how beautiful it was. There were lupins everywhere and it was  far greener than we expected. The photo shows where the first Icelandic parliament was held. I think this was in 960AD. It is on a fault line.

Saturday, 26 August 2017

Crab Apples

Our crab apples have done well this year. Last year we had very few indeed. Usually a friend of my wife turns them in to delicious crab-apple jelly. This year our one little tree produced about 500 fruit. Last year we picked 14! Someone (not sure if it is true) said a good year is followed by a bad year. We'll see next summer.

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

They are back!

So, the blog visits suddenly go up and I notice lots of sudden interest from a certain east European nation. I assume they are doing their monthly probe.