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Wednesday, 30 August 2017


Several years ago, we visited Iceland and were surprised just how beautiful it was. There were lupins everywhere and it was  far greener than we expected. The photo shows where the first Icelandic parliament was held. I think this was in 960AD. It is on a fault line.

Saturday, 26 August 2017

Crab Apples

Our crab apples have done well this year. Last year we had very few indeed. Usually a friend of my wife turns them in to delicious crab-apple jelly. This year our one little tree produced about 500 fruit. Last year we picked 14! Someone (not sure if it is true) said a good year is followed by a bad year. We'll see next summer.

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

They are back!

So, the blog visits suddenly go up and I notice lots of sudden interest from a certain east European nation. I assume they are doing their monthly probe.

Quiet Coffee

Whilst my wife was busy spending, I opted for a coffee and sandwich in a Bury-St-Edmunds bookshop café reading one of the mags I'd just bought on a market stall.

Sunday, 20 August 2017


Thanks to a very kind man who pointed them out (otherwise I'd never have seen them!) I saw my first ever stone-curlews at Cavenham Heath on our walk this afternoon. The heather there was just amazing.

See .

Saturday, 19 August 2017

Burwell Fen

We went for a brief walk this afternoon up near the "cock-up" bridge on Burwell Lode. We saw several birds including some swallows, a tern and 2 mute swans as well as these fine highland cattle with big horns.
Although the fens are bleak, they have a certain beauty, especially the wild fen skies. Burwell Fen is now owned by the National Trust.

Sunday, 13 August 2017


Well, I thought they'd all gone now until next year. As this evening was so nice, we had tea in the garden. Six swifts were on the wing high above us. These may be northern birds passing through, but it made my day.

Swallows and house martins usually stay until well in to September, but there are very few locally.
