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Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Background music on TV programmes

Am I alone in HATING programmes on TV with background music that is too loud and too intrusive?

Just been watching a documentary called "The world's weirdest weather" on Channel 4. It was a good and interesting programme nearly ruined by music so loud you could barely hear the man speak.

Do programme makers assume all that watch these programmes are brain-dead and HAVE to have loud music all the time?  Personally I'd prefer no music at all. This loud "epsilon semi-moron" rubbish music really annoys me. Some programmes, usually continental ones, are much better and get the levels right.


  1. "Just been watching a documentary called "The world's weirdest weather" on Channel 4. It was a good and interesting programme nearly ruined by music so loud you could barely hear the man speak."


    I haven't noticed it too much on French programming, though commercials are somewhat louder. But, on American television, I do note the loud music, all too frequently, overpowering documentary narration as you have. So has my YL.

  2. Indeed. I find US programming particularily bad. Seems to be that to feed to the lowest common denominator that the "chaff" is far too often more emphasised than the "wheat". In general I find BBC several notches in quality above the typical US programming and while there is some good Canadian programming being done the remainder is just wannabe copying of US programming

    Something relativley new is to "live tweet" viewers comments along the bottom of screen during a program. Very distracting and very irratating. If I wanted to read these sorts of "tweets" I would go online and troll twitter - I don't use twitter or facebook, I find them even more vast wastelands than Television.

    200 channels to choose from and nothings on.

    of course I speak in very general terms. There is some very good television to be found as there are some good to be found in the online social media streams - they are the exception however, not the norm.

    cheers, Graham ve3gtc

  3. Thanks Dick and Graham. Have had some exposure to US TV (what I saw was dreadful) but seen little Canadian TV. I do so HATE being treated like a moron, preferring to choose whether I want intrusive music or not.
