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Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Storm Gazing

Our grandchildren were interested to see if a storm was coming over their house on the day they went home.


Saturday, 26 May 2018

Abortion in Eire

The people of Eire have voted overwhelmingly in a referendum to overturn the law so abortion in the early weeks of pregnancy will become legal. To me this seems sensible and returns the rights to the mother. The people voted almost 2 to 1 in favour of the change. It is likely to become law later this year.


We planted some lupins a few years ago. Last year they got nibbled by muntjac deer. They have just come out. I hope we have better luck this year!

GDPR Rubbish

It seems that every other email is about GDPR and even some of these are "dodgy". Yes, we all know data privacy is important, but this is taking political correctness to new heights, or is it depths?

Surely we want just a simple rule that says each person has to give express, clear, permission for any data held about them to be passed on. If data is currently held people cannot pass it on. Simple. No doubt some Brussels bureaucrats have to translate this into 27 languages at our expense too. Jobs for the boys.

GDPR = Great Deal of PRoper crap!

Tuesday, 22 May 2018


In the warm May sunshine, we planted begonias this afternoon. These last all summer and need very little attention. They give lots of colour.

There are a few more to do tomorrow.

Last year my wife bought busy lizzies by mistake. They also looked good.

Sunday, 20 May 2018

Local museum

Our granddaughter earlier today at our local museum playing with a hoola hoop. Years ago, these were all the rage.

We are blessed with having probably the best local UK museum (complete with windmill) just over the garden wall.

Friday, 18 May 2018


As we were going to a funeral in Nottingham we stayed in Southwell (just to the east) at the "Saracen's Head". Everyone we met in Southwell was kind, helpful and welcoming. The photo shows my cheese course on Wednesday evening.

Tuesday, 15 May 2018


These are considered weeds, but the flowers (yellow) and dandelion clocks (seeds) are actually quite beautiful.

Sunday, 13 May 2018

Bowcombe Creek

We did a short walk here last week. It is in S.Devon, not far from Kingsbridge. Even with the tide out and the mud showing it is a beautiful area. As we walked, the tide started to come in.

Saturday, 12 May 2018

Little Egrets

Until the late 1980s little egrets were rare in England. With climate change (please tell Mr Chump) their range has extended further north and they are now quite common here.

My guess is cattle egrets will be next.

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Devon Sunset

Tonight it was wet and windy. Last night it was sunny when the sun set in the west.

Hand Feeding

Pheasants feeding from my hand a few nights ago. Magical.

Saturday, 5 May 2018


Suddenly this blog is of great interest to Russia. Now, I very much doubt they are suddenly interested in what I have to share. The more probable explanation is bots looking for vulnerabilities.

A Grave Error?

The photo show my wife taking a picture last night. I have no idea what she had seen. This is Thurlestone, Devon.


"Little bit of bread and no "cheeeese". These birds are quite common in the right spots in the UK, but they are on the RSPB's red list.


Tuesday, 1 May 2018


This swan was enjoying a bit of quiet time at Anglesey Abbey earlier. There is a nest there and I think the pair of swans are taking turns on it.

UK Identity Card?

In the UK we seem to have a problem with illegal immigrants. One solution proposed is an ID card for each legal person living here. You would need this to obtain benefits. I think this would help, but I am not 100% sure.

In the light of the debacle over "the Windrush generation" in which people who were legally here but denied rights and deported (can you believe this?), it might help. This action is wholly inexcusable!!
As for the government I simply do not care whether it is Labour, Conservative or Monster Raving Loony.  This a total balls up.

As a legally here person, I have no problems with such a card, although I have not been through all the arguments.