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Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts

Thursday, 12 January 2017

New Zealand Blog

My wife was cleaning a shelf and came across a photo album of our 2009 trip to New Zealand. It is amazing what you forget. Luckily, we did a blog and can look back and recall the visit.

If you get a chance, do go. At every turn it is beautiful and the people are warm and welcoming. It is NOT like the UK. Yes, the people speak English and lots of the birds in towns are English ones, but the wild places are not the same, with wild tree ferns and many trees quite different. 4 million people instead of more than 60 million helps!

Friday, 6 May 2016

Secure blog connection

Set your link to this blog to if you want a secure link. This is a recent Google change. The old link should still work. Note the https:// and not http:// in the URL.

Thursday, 7 April 2016

Blog posts

To get to my blogs you may have to change the URL. See the following from Google:

Coming in late April!
All visitors will be able to view your Blogspot domain blogs over an encrypted connection by visiting https://<your-blog> Existing links and bookmarks to your blogs will continue to work. As part of this change, the HTTPS Availability setting will disappear, and your blogs will always have an HTTPS version.

Sunday, 6 March 2016

Record highs?
Two of my blogs are heading towards record highs for daily visits. OK, I have put a few more posts than normal on, but I am at a loss to explain quite why there have been so many visits today. My posts are a complete mixture.

The photo shows the latest post on one of these.

Thursday, 28 January 2016

East Anglian Churches Blog

Today we visited Flatford Mill (made famous by John Constable's paintings) and called in at East Bergholt on our way back. We visited the church and I have updated the blog accordingly.
Will Lott's Cottage at Flatford Mill
See .

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Who visits?

My blog visitors puzzle me.

My amateur radio (mainly) blog gets around ten times the visits of this blog and yet people still come back here! Already today this blog has had more visits than at the weekend for the whole day. As far as I can tell, there is nothing special today. This blog is updated most days. It is usually an eclectic mix of thoughts - some days politics, others finance, family etc.

Friday, 30 October 2015


A few days ago I mentioned that I was now posting non amateur radio posts on my amateur radio blog which attracts far more visits than this blog.  So, don't expect this blog to be updated too regularly in future.

See .

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Blog - please change your URL

After much thought, I have decided that one of my other blogs gets far more traffic, so future posts will go there instead of here. This other blog is mainly about amateur radio but posts of general interest will have, "NOT amateur radio" in the title, so general posts are clear. Of course, you are very welcome to look at other posts there too!

So, in future please look at  .

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Rainbow and churches blog

See .

Today we visited Wilburton St Peter church located some 10-12 miles north of Cambridge.  Parts of this light and airy church date back to the 13th century.

Today was a showery and blustery day.   On the way home we saw a great rainbow, but it soon disappeared.

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Other blog updated

See .

Today we walked from the delightful village of Dalham up to the village church. I have updated our East Anglian Churches blog to include this.

Dalham is a truly beautiful village not too far from Newmarket. It is in Suffolk.

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

East Anglian Churches blog updated

See . Today we visited Wymondham Abbey in Norfolk. I have updated our blog to include this visit.

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Visits - another blog!

Today we went out to Eye and Thornham Parva in east Suffolk.We ate at Beard's Deli Cafe in Eye. We have a blog to record our East Anglian Church visits. Although mainly for our own records (otherwise we'll forget!) it is a public blog, so you are invited to join us "virtually" and add comments if you wish. We hope to visit several churches each week.

See  .

Saturday, 17 January 2015

Blog numbers

This puzzles me.  For days they remain "average" and then suddenly, for no good reason, the numbers nearly double.  Perhaps the blog gets mentioned somewhere and this attracts new visitors? The post content always varies, so I very much doubt it is this. There have been few external links in my recent posts, so I don't think it is people leaving and returning and being double counted.  My amateur radio blog attracts about 10 times more visitors than this blog.

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Blog visits

For no good reason, this blog had had more visitors by breakfast time than it usually gets in a whole day.  We are on course to have far more visits than ever before. I don't think it can be the content. Perhaps this blog was featured somewhere?

Anyway, if this is your first time here, please pop back again soon. I try to add content most days and the subjects covered are usually varied. Feel free to add comments relevant to the posts.

SPAM will be deleted as soon as I spot it, so keep comments relevant please.

Friday, 22 August 2014

Visits - a puzzle!

This blog has already had more visitors by mid-afternoon than in the whole of yesterday. I have no idea why this should be the case: it seems to defy all logic!

Saturday, 28 June 2014

Our bungalow and blog visits

This is a picture of our bungalow taken this morning before the storms arrived after lunch. Although we have made changes, we have kept the same character.  The laurel hedge is still growing although we don't intend it to get much higher - just enough to define the boundary along with the small front wall.

Incidentally, yesterday a new record was set with 201 visits to this blog. I have no idea why it was so much higher than usual!

UPDATE 2050z: 80 visits to the blog so far today with a couple of hours to go.

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Visitor numbers

My amateur radio blog seems to be attracting an average of about 1000 visits a day, but surprisingly, this very modest little blog here has growing numbers of visitors and now attracts around 100 visits daily. Both are "as it is" blogs: I write about what I am doing or what interests me.

With a total daily audience of around 1100 people a day, I sometimes lose friends. One regular visitor to the other blog was offended that I moaned too much. I didn't think I did. When asked to say what had upset him, he never replied, so may have eaten humble pie or, as I  told him, he can simply go elsewhere and choose not to read everything.

I try to be fair and balanced in what I write, but I am only human.

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Blog readers

Today this blog has been read (already and there are 3 hours still to go) by more people than on any day in the last week. I have no idea why this should be so.

UPDATE 2200z:   133 reads of this Miscellaneous Musings blog today so far.  My amateur radio blog gets about 1000 visits a day regularly and has a dedicated bunch of 115 subscribers.

Sunday, 8 June 2014

More page visits?

This blog seems to be attracting more visits these days (nearly 100 a day). I try to post something most days but occasionally this is not possible. A lot of posts have been centred on my health issues (stroke) and for this I apologise. I guess my stroke has been foremost on my mind in recent months.

My other active blog on amateur radio regularly gets 1000 visits a day!