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Showing posts with label bus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bus. Show all posts

Sunday, 4 March 2018

Best bus ride in England?

With the closure of the A379 along Slapton Line in Devon we lose one of the very best, if not the best, bus rides in England. I hope they repair it after the storm damage, but I have my doubts.

If you have a bus pass, this is free!

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Museum visitors

We had some visitors who arrived at our local museum in this old charabang coach. This is it parked outside the windmill. The word charabanc is from French 'char-bancs', meaning a carriage with benches, so I read. The coach probably dates from the 1950s. The windmill is 200 years old.

Our home is on the left in the picture.

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Helping children of war torn lands?

Mixed views. I do not like unrestricted EU access into the UK and firmly believe it is up to the UK to decide who can live and work here.

At the same time I feel so sorry for the true refugees who have fled war and conflict who wish to come to the UK for a peaceful life. Some of these people are really desperate. 

In all conflicts it is the children who suffer the most. One woman is trying to make life in Calais just a little better for some children.  She is trying to raise money to buy a double-decker bus to convert.

If you would like to help just a little see

Whatever your views, the little ones are the innocent victims. Life can be cruel and hard. You could help just a little?

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Cambridge on a winter Tuesday

Bridge Street, Cambridge
Every Tuesday I travel into Cambridge for my weekly U3AC course called "Digital Maps in the Computer Age".  I am enjoying the course very much.

Cambridge Punts
Usually I drive to the "Park and Ride" car park at Newmarket Road and get the bus into town. The U3AC course is at the U3AC headquarters in Bridge Street, which is about 30m from where the punts are on the River Cam. From here you can punt right up via St John's, Trinity, Clare and Kings College. The secret is not to leave your punt pole behind. It is easily done. Luckily the Cam is not too deep.

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Park and Ride

Every Tuesday I drive into Cambridge (Newmarket Road Park and Ride) where I pick up the Park and Ride bus into Cambridge, where I attend my U3AC course called "Maps in the Computer Age". It is an excellent course with good supporting notes and links. Apart from the £1 to park, travel into the city is free as I have an OAP bus pass.

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Local buses

We are supposed to have a service every hour from Burwell into and out of Cambridge. It used to be every half an hour which was good: if you missed one it was not too long to wait for another. On the last 2 occasions the bus has been over 30 minutes late. One is not quite sure whether to keep waiting or get the car out. This is very annoying.

I am told there is an Android app by Cambridgeshire County Council called MyBusTrip that gives real-time data on where buses are.  Perhaps I should get this and only leave the house when the bus is definitely on its way? I allow plenty of time for my weekly U3AC course in Cambridge, but I find the erraticness of our bus service makes people less likely to use them. Surely we should be encouraging local bus use?

UPDATE 1750z:  I have just downloaded the app and must say, so far, I am not that impressed with it.