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Showing posts with label ccs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ccs. Show all posts

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

CCS Concert in Cambridge last weekend

My wife's concert was last Saturday and she spent part of this morning erasing pencil marks from the many scores borrowed by inter library loan.

She now has a break until the autumn when they start rehearsals again for the 2017 concert which is Mendelssohn's Elijah.

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

CCS concert in Cambridge

A reminder that my wife is taking part in a Cambridge concert in April. Tickets are available by post or on the door. If you are local, you may want to come. Tickets for children are very inexpensive.

Monday, 31 August 2015

Singing for the UK Prime Minister

This evening we are off to a concert in Ely Cathedral and this reminded me of the occasion many years ago when my wife was singing a choral concert in the same venue when the Prime Minister of the day, John Major, turned up! He was surrounded by bodyguards and wanted to just be "ordinary" but the committee insisted he got front row seats! His daughter was playing in the orchestra.

The Cambridgeshire Choral Society starts rehearsals for the new season later this month. You are welcome to join. Men are especially welcome.

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Cambridge, UK - concert reminder

A reminder that the concert shown on the attached poster will be held this Saturday evening (April 25th) starting at 7.30pm.  Tickets may be bought on the door.  It is excellent music in a great venue (West Road Concert Hall, Cambridge).

Click image to enlarge.

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Concert reminder

A reminder that there is a very fine concert on in Cambridge, UK, on the night of April 25th, 7.30pm, at the West Road Concert Hall. This is a great venue with excellent acoustics. If you can come you will not be disappointed. Details are on the attached poster (click to enlarge). You can get tickets before the day (see website for details) or on the door.

Saturday, 31 May 2014

Cambridgeshire Choral Society - concert tonight

Rutter's Magnificat, Parnell's Dew of Heaven and an organ piece played by Jonathan Lilley at St John's College chapel tonight (Sat May 31st) at 8.00pm. Tickets on the door.

In over 30 years I have only missed a couple of concerts due to ill health. They are usually good value, and of course St John College is in the middle of Cambridge.  Go if you can. You will not be disappointed.

See .

If you enjoy singing, next autumn why not join the choir? Details on the website,above. Please mention this blog.

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Carbon Capture

See .

We seem to be sleep-walking into the future with no real attempts to move away from a carbon based energy economy. Oil and gas are very heavily subsidised I believe in many western nations, so there is no imperative to make a switch to more sustainable energy sources. This being so we need to either change (fast) or move to measures that will mitigate the effects of high carbon use.

The UK looks to have been granted EU money (300M euros) to support a pilot project (see BBC report linked). This takes CO2 from coal power station emissions and buries it under the North Sea. If successful, CCS could be a useful technique as we make the switch to a lower carbon energy economy.

 We tend to forget the positive side of EU membership.