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Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts

Saturday, 10 December 2016

Old friends - thank you

This weekend we have old friends over staying with us. When I was in hospital, they regularly drove 90 miles each way to come to see me in hospital. Up until 2009 they lived in our village, but they moved to the Cotswolds, partly to be close to their daughter who has MS.

I have said many times that a real illness shows true friends.  In a time of real crisis, some people "came up trumps".  Sadly others just fell away.

A church-going couple next door never once asked how I was and never came to see my wife. Some people just don't "do" illnesses. It is some years since I was in hospital for 3.5 months, but our Cotswold friends are as close as ever. To them and others who were and continue to be kind, a really big thank you.

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Friends Day

We had friends visit us this morning and this afternoon we called on local friends for afternoon tea to help celebrate a birthday. Altogether a lovely day in the winter sunshine.

Tomorrow, we may venture further afield. The weather forecast looks good.

Friday, 22 January 2016

Old friends

Today, we had a couple of old friends around for lunch. We have known this couple since the 1970s although we went over a year since we last saw them. It's funny how we soon "connect" again. This is often a good indication of real friends - one just picks up where one last left off.

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Sociable day

This morning we were invited to neighbours for coffee and this afternoon we went to other friends for  drinks and eats. We are still enjoying the Christmas holidays.

Monday, 1 September 2014

Lunch out

Lunch with Paul and Samara
For the first time in over a year (because of my brain bleed illness) we went out to friends today for lunch. Samara and Paul are lovely, kind people. They provided a great fish pie, green beans,  apple crumble and coffee, all of which I was able to eat and drink. For once, I was again able to be normal and do everyday things. Long may it continue.

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Friends visit

Today we were visited for lunch by our old friends Jean and Alan who live in Letchworth in Hertfordshire. This afternoon they visited Burwell Museum and Windmill. These are friends from university days. We see each other not too often, but when we meet up it is as if we last saw each other just a few days ago. This is a measure of true friendship.

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Branson's visit

Peter Branson
Today we had the pleasure of our old friends, Peter and Chris Branson who were in Burwell for the day. Chris went out with my wife Lis for lunch and Peter had lunch with me at home. A long time ago I worked with Peter and Lis has been friends with Chris since our boys were babies.

Chris Branson (nearest camera) with my wife Lis
Like all real friends, it is very easy to pick up where we last left off, almost like we'd seen them just yesterday, even though they now live 100 miles away in the Cotswolds and we've not seen them for many weeks.

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Salt of the earth people

A couple of our neighbours, Margaret and Brian, came over for coffee today. When I was in hospital they were very kind indeed and supportive of my wife.

Strange how a serious illness brings out the worst, and very best, in people. A couple of our "Christian" neighbours  (regular churchgoers and the wife a Sunday school teacher) have hardly wanted to know me - they have called to see me once since leaving hospital (we invited them)  -  whereas others have been totally and genuinely concerned and kind.

Two such are Margaret and Brian - genuine "salt of the earth" people, kind to the very core. Thank you.

I am not seeking kindness, but I can easily tell genuine love and kindness from "sham" kindness (doing good because it is a duty).

Monday, 7 April 2014

Real friends

Funny how a serious illness really shows up who are your REAL friends.  Some that you thought would stand by you just fall by the wayside and some that you'd not expected turn out to be incredibly supportive. and see me almost weekly or keep in touch by phone or internet.

Since my brain bleed (stroke) I have had to be at home far more than before (I am not allowed to drive) and we have had nearly 60 different people come to the bungalow to see us. There are a few missing people that I would have expected, but have not been at all or just once, with persuasion.  Others have visited several times: they wanted to come and to come back.

My thanks to loyal good friends who have been to call in person or who have been in touch via the internet or phone.