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Showing posts with label lawn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lawn. Show all posts

Sunday, 19 July 2015

Brown lawns

We have just returned from a week on the Isle of Wight. Many parts of the lawns at our bungalow look dry through a lack of rain. There was a thunderstorm here a few nights ago, but I suspect little rain fell.
The lawns usually bounce back in the autumn, but this year everything is about 4 weeks late flowering and the lawns have actually remained green for longer. I think summer is finally catching up with the lawns though and I expect they will remain dry for several weeks now unless we have lots of rain or I water them furiously. If lawns are watered they need a lot of water that goes through to the roots. In many ways the grass is better left.  In order for them to look decent and keep the weeds down, it is tempting to cut the grass too short.

Monday, 1 June 2015


Usually our lawns look pretty good and weed free. They ought to as we pay Green Thumb a decent amount each month to treat, scarify and tine.  The last time they treated the lawn they scarified and removed a fair bit of moss. I have removed the dead moss and reseeded in places, but there is a lot of course grass and there are brownish patches.

My wife is very cross and wants them back to fix the lawn, which looked far better last year. They are coming again on Friday and have promised to put things right. We shall see. If not, they will lose our business and I am pretty sure my wife will "go viral" with her displeasure.

Green Thumb ought to have done a better job as lots of people have looked over the front garden wall and asked, "what happened to your lovely lawn?". The front lawn is right next to the local windmill and museum and should be a showcase for Green Thumb.

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Lawns cut

Today I managed to cut both our front and rear lawns and drink a can of "Old Speckled Hen" beer.  In the past this would have been trivial, but since the cerebellum brain bleed this is an achievement, especially as I needed no breaks whilst doing them. Mind you, I was pretty tired by the end.

Most of the blossom has now gone - so ephemeral - but the Californian lilac is in flower as is next door's lilac bush.  I expect both will soon be gone!

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Last lawn cut this season?

This morning I cut both our front and rear lawns. It exhausts me but I am glad I did them. This is possibly the last cut before March. The problem now is it is often too wet to cut. Also, as the temperature drops, the grass stops growing. I am always glad to cut the lawn again after the winter: it is a sign of a return to longer days after the long winter nights. Still, in the meantime, I have to get fit again after my brain bleed last year. Although I still tire easily, my stamina must be improving as there was now way I could have cut both lawns in quick succession even 6 months ago.

Monday, 22 September 2014


Today marked a milestone in the recovery from my brain bleed:  I managed to cut both the front and back lawns in a single session in the garden. OK, by the end I was very tired, but at least I managed it. The lawns are not that small either. The front lawn is tapered and is about 80 feet long. The rear lawn is about 15-20 feet wide and 70 feet long.

Tuesday, 12 August 2014


Although I still feel far from well, tomorrow, if it is dry, I shall attempt cutting the back lawn. This is quite large and my wife will certainly help me if needed. Our son, who normally come and helps on Wednesdays is in France with his family.

People who see me say how well I walk and look. If they only knew how I feel inside they might be very shocked: I still feel very poorly inside.

Monday, 21 July 2014

Front lawn cut

This afternoon I managed to cut the front lawn. It took me 35 minutes, without breaks, which is the fastest yet. Last time it was 45 minutes.  At the end I was well and truly "cream crackered" but again I managed it. Weather permitting our son will cut the rear lawn tomorrow.

Monday, 14 July 2014

Rear Lawn

Our rear lawn is about twice as big as the front lawn. I cut the front lawn a few days ago. Although I started on the rear lawn, I've had to take a break as it is still much too wet in places. Another hour or so and I should be fine.
Rear lawn
The last time I cut the rear lawn it I needed 4 breaks, but think my stamina is a bit better now, so fewer breaks were needed. Although not perfect, it is much better for being cut.

Saturday, 12 July 2014

Cutting the lawns

Both our sons (and one grandchild each) are due up on Wednesday. In the meantime, if the weather dries, I hope to cut both lawns, front and back. The lawns here are larger than at our old home. It takes all my strength to cut them these days, whereas in the past it would have been effortless.
Front lawn with windmill back right. Laurels trimmed yesterday.
I managed the front lawn today. 0.75hrs rather than 1hr the last time I cut it. It is 2 weeks since it was last cut. It left me "cream crackered" but I managed it. The back lawn is larger. That is probably a job for Monday or Tuesday, if the weather is dry.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Visit by Chris

Chris and I in our front garden
Our son Chris drove all the way from Canterbury to be with us Monday afternoon. He works Saturdays (and many Sundays) but has Monday afternoons off.

He kindly cut both our lawns for us whilst he was here. We are very grateful.

This is a photo of Chris and I taken in our front garden with Burwell Windmill and Museum in the background, just over our garden wall.

Both our sons have been SO kind to me during my illness, bless them.

Monday, 9 June 2014

Garden shipshape

My brother and his wife worked really hard on our garden this morning.

They cut the hedges, cut the front lawn and greatly tidied up the beds and lawn edges.

In my current feeble (stroke) state , I was very very grateful indeed. I must say the difference is very noticeable. Thank you both.

At home, John has 4 acres+ to look after and this maybe getting too much now. My brother will be 70 this December.

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Lawns and Green Thumb

At our old house we had our lawns treated regularly by Green Thumb. This is a franchise business. For several years and with very little effort on my part (apart from mowing) the grass was very green and totally weed free.

Last week they gave the first treatment to the lawns at our bungalow. Already, the weeds are dying, so the signs are promising. These days there are similar companies fighting for the lawn care business. I have only experience of Green Thumb, who are good. I could probably do the same lawn care treatments myself, but not sure the results would be as good. It is surprising how many people asked me how I managed to keep the lawns looking so good. I just tell them Green Thumb!

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Grandchildren here

Tim cutting the lawn, with Lucien and Amandine (in background)
For the next few days we have our "London" grandchildren here staying on their own with us. Their dad brought them up and mum is joining them on Sunday when, weather permitting , we plan an Easter egg hunt in the garden. If it rains, we'll have it inside. Their dad kindly cut our front lawn saving me a job. Both our boys have been very kind to me in my recent illness (stroke). Dad joins us again on Monday when they all leave for home.

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Out this morning (stroke) and front lawn cut this afternoon

A nice change of scenery this morning on my stroke recovery journey:  a walk of about 0.8km down to the home of our old friends Samara and Paul.  We stopped for about 1 hour and had coffee and tea, then we walked home again with plenty of blossom about. This morning I reduced my peg liquid feed (directly into my stomach) down to 700ml at 125ml/hour. Last week it was 800ml and when I first came out of hospital it was 1000ml. For the trip today I disconnected the peg liquid feed. I supplement the liquid feed with pureed and mash-able food by mouth.

Overall, I still feel giddy when walking - although I feel this is improving - and a slight feeling of sickness.  Feeding and drinking are not enjoyable experiences still. I have resumed taking some of my morning pills in a bid to stop the feelings of heartburn and sickness.

This afternoon I battled my heartburn, sickness and giddiness to cut the front lawn. It was harder work than the rear lawn that I cut last weekend.  Today I have felt more unwell than for several days because of my sickness.  I hope taking the morning pills again will help.

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Back lawn cut

Another post-stroke goal met. Lis (my wife) was out at her choir and I was determined to get the back lawn cut. Last time, Lis did about 70% and I just cut a few strips. Well, with 4 short breaks and battling my giddiness, I managed to cut the whole back lawn on my own. It was pretty knackering but I managed it! The lawn is about 60 feet x 25 feet average: it is not a small lawn.

Next  target: the front lawn, which is 80 feet long but narrower!