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Showing posts with label tesco. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tesco. Show all posts

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Tesco and other supermarkets

From time to time we buy fuel and food from Tesco.  However, I am appalled that this supermarket chain allegedly, treats many suppliers very badly, paying some very late or too little as in the case of milk suppliers. I know Tesco is not alone and that some other supermarkets are also treating their suppliers poorly.

We customers are often complicit as we demand ever lower prices.  However, personally I'd be happy to have fewer lines to choose from and to pay a bit more to ensure suppliers are fairy rewarded.

Tesco is currently under investigation. See .

Saturday, 26 July 2014

Local taxes on large supermarkets

See .

All I can say is GOOD.

If this move helps councils to raise money locally all well and good. Some have called it the "Tesco" tax. Food prices might go up a bit, but more likely the profits of the big supermarkets will get trimmed. It must help smaller, local  traders.

What a sensible move, and not before time in England.  It already happens in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Recycling: why is it so difficult in the UK?

There is a lot that can be done to improve our recycling in the UK. My wife and I do our best trying to recycle whatever we can - papers, plastics, food waste, garden waste etc, but trying to get it recycled is far from easy.  More needs to be done to simplify the process.

We carefully save all our plastics which seem to be marked as suitable for recycling: bottles, yoghurt cartons, soft fruit plastic boxes, etc. As our local recycling centre has been closed to save costs - barmy decision - we take them 11 miles each way to our nearest centre. When there, we find only bottles can be put in the plastics recycling, so we have to separate out all the plastic food cartons as they have to go in a different bin. Then there is the garden and food waste. Some is composted. Our local council provides thick brown paper sacks for this waste and they collect it at the doorstep every 2 weeks. If I want to get more sacks I get charged 50 pence each.  Finally, we get a black bin (household non-recycled stuff) collection every week despite this bag being only about a quarter full these days.

My annoyances are these:

(a) Why not make it more clear what is, and is not, recyclable on the labels in the first place?
(b) Why do suppliers like Waitrose and Tesco sell so much stuff in non-recyclable plastic packaging?
(c) Why do I have to travel a 22 mile round trip to dispose of much of my plastics?
(d) Why should I have to pay 50p for each extra recycling sack when using them saves money on landfill?
(e) Why is recycling policy different all over the country from area to area?

Why does trying to save landfill costs and helping the environment have to be so very difficult here in the UK? Other countries make it easy, but here we seem to make it very hard.