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Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Stroke "progress"

For the last few months, progress getting better has been slow.

I am particularly frustrated by my inability to drink liquids without thickeners. Even with thickeners drinks are not easy. Foods by mouth usually go down well. In the coming months I am having a further MRI brain scan, another video x-ray of my throat and an ENT examination to check my vocal cords.

My walking is much better and I can now eat a wide variety of foods by mouth. I tend to forget the real progresss I am making.

Tim and Amandine's visit

Today is a Wednesday. As usual, our son Tim and granddaughter Amandine came to visit us. Usually he cuts the lawns but as these were cut by our other son on Monday, he was able to just relax. They all went to the garden centre for some seeds and a cup of tea.

At 4pm the speech therapist called to see me. Progress is very slow on the stroke recovery front.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Visit by Chris

Chris and I in our front garden
Our son Chris drove all the way from Canterbury to be with us Monday afternoon. He works Saturdays (and many Sundays) but has Monday afternoons off.

He kindly cut both our lawns for us whilst he was here. We are very grateful.

This is a photo of Chris and I taken in our front garden with Burwell Windmill and Museum in the background, just over our garden wall.

Both our sons have been SO kind to me during my illness, bless them.

Visit to Ann Perkins

With Ann Perkins in her lovely garden (Lis took photo)
This afternoon, without my stick, but holding on to Lis, I managed to walk all the way from our house to Ann Perkins' house in North Street. The full return journey must be at least 3km, maybe more. Although wobbly, I made it there and back. It was a nice afternoon out.

Virgin Media

Broadband speed is good, TV recording is good with Tivo, phones are OK anytime. I just want it CHEAPER. Will ring them later to renegotiate our deal. I may be possible to save money and have a smart phone.

I have written 2 emails and neither has been answered (it would have been nice and polite but that is not their style) yet I get bombarded with offers and special customer deals most weeks by post. You have to love them. Actually there is little choice.

Monday, 16 June 2014

Iraq, Pakistan, India, Nigeria and Kenya

It looks like chaos is breaking out  in the Middle East, Near East and Africa. Fundamentalists are keen to take their revenge. Sadly, these standpoints usually stem from earlier grievances and sadly Western Government decisions are often part of these. This is no excuse for acts of terrorism, but long-term grievances often stretch back many hundreds of years.

Think, for example of N.Ireland where today's children are still sectarianised because of events that go back many many generations.  The only real answer is if deep trust is rebuilt and this takes generations. War and civil wars and acts of terror are not the answer. In the end, everyone has to be treated with total fairness.

Cause and effects

My doctor has been trying all sorts of pills and medicines to try to cure my stomach discomfort and bad breath, all so far without success. This is following my stroke. The bad breath has been an issue only since leaving hospital. Changes since then are more foods by mouth, now nil food by Peg, but I don't believe this is the cause.

I can't help thinking he is trying to fix the effect rather than the cause. Last week I emailed my doctor and my hospital dietician with a possible cause, found on the internet (bacterial infection in gut). We'll see if they read and agree. My stomach discomfort and bad breath are getting me down. This and my giddiness are the main remaining issues I have.