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Friday, 15 August 2014

Where have our red-legged partridges gone?,326,936,694)
Until about a week ago, for at least a year, there was a pair of red-legged partridges always to be seen in our Close and in the garden. Then a third bird appeared - maybe a rival male?  Since then, all have disappeared. It is a total mystery. Birds have bird minds and bird brains, but I for one miss their presence.

See .

Sex trials and anonymity

Yet again, we hear in the news that a high profile singer is "in the frame" for possible child abuse. Yet again, this person is named and shamed well before any legal action is taken, or even considered. The person named says he is totally innocent. To my mind this is wrong, both for the accused and the victim(s).

Anonymity should be given too ALL involved until anyone is found guilty. If found guilty, the law of the land is quite able to deal with it. It is WRONG that people who may well be innocent are still treated as guilty even before a case is heard. In this country, it is the law that a person is innocent until the prosecution proves beyond reasonable doubt that the accused is guilty.

In recent months, some high profile cases have been heard. Some have received long custodial sentences. Some were innocent. Let us not be too keen to judge without having heard the evidence.

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Widegates, Kingsbridge Estuary, S. Devon

This is a matter dear to my heart. I come from this area and love it dearly.  Because of  my poor health, I have been unable to get to Devon at all this year.  

There is a proposal to allow water skiing in part of the Widegates area of the Kingsbridge Estuary.  This is an area of special scientific interest and at low tide a place where waders congregate. It is an area that is peaceful and quiet and of international importance.

If you know the area and want to comment, write to the Salcombe Harbour Master

Personally, I am against the proposal. I fear the area will be adversely changed for ever. 

Water-skiers are pulled by fast boats which create lots of wake and lots of noise. I may be wrong, but I fear the area will never be quite the same again if the plans are approved. The "for it" campaign people have got lots of  publicity on the TV and in the press. There is a need to counter this. For democracy to work, the voices of both sides need to be heard.


Thanks to the help of twice weekly physio at Newmarket, and my slow recovery following my brain bleed last September, my stamina is gradually getting better. I still feel giddy walking, but this is slowly improving. Inside I still feel slightly sick but hope this will improve when my stomach PEG is taken out.


We have just had a near miss with a thunder storm. According to the lightning map, the nearest it got was about 5 miles but by ear it seemed far closer. We were going for a walk at Anglesey Abbey, but perhaps we are better staying at home?

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Hamas must be MAD

Just heard that Hamas has fired a rocket into Israel near the end of the 3 day ceasefire. Whatever ones view on how Israel treats the people of Gaza, their best interests are in a long-term peace, not more Israeli retaliation.

See .

Personally, I think Hamas is mad to do this now. What possible good is done?

Yazidi sect

My heart bleeds for the Yazidi people trapped on bare mountains in northern Iraq. As ever, it is the innocents that suffer most - the little children, the women, the old and the sick. Why can't these people be allowed the freedom to express themselves however they wish as long as they harm no-one? Surely this is a basic human right?

I have grave doubts about the West's original intervention in Iraq, but fear we have no choice now but to help these poor people. One has only to imagine the total outcry were this to have happened in the UK.

See .