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Friday, 22 August 2014

Not a good year so far

Some years are good and others not. So far, this has been a bad year, with lots of friends losing partners or relatives to cancer and other conditions. By now, I was expecting to be fully fit from my brain bleed again, but recovery is taking far longer than I expected.

Let us hope the rest of the year sees an improvement in fortunes. Things can hardly get worse. With luck, I should be allowed to drive again soon. My U3A courses start in October. Slowly, things are getting back to normal.

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Stroke update

This is the latest update on my condition:
  • Food is all by mouth now and I can eat most foods.Taste seems to be returning to normal.
  • Drinks are still problematic.
  • I still feel giddy walking, but this is getting better slowly.
  • Speaking is monotonic and effortful.
  • The MRI scan gave me the all-clear by the neurosurgeon - no more brain ops.
  • My stomach is still slightly upset. I suspect this is because of the PEG.
  • I feel OK to drive (neurosurgeon thinks I'm OK to drive) but am awaiting response from DVLA.
  • I get fatigued very easily.
  • All physical work is hard.
  • ENT throat exam early Sept  to see why speaking is so hard.
  • Physio/gym at Newmarket Leasure Centre continues until Oct 2nd.
Overall, I am still not right, but think driving again will help, as will PEG removal (no date yet for this). Improvements are slow. By now I was hoping to be fully fit.

Surviving Ebola

It appears that the 2 US aid workers who contracted Ebola in West Africa have recovered following experimental treatment in the USA called ZMapp. It West Africa without experimental treatment, nearly half of those infected are likely to die, which is why we all hope it can be contained and beaten.

See .

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Preserving the Kingsbridge Estuary

The petition to NOT allow water skiing in the Kingsbridge Estuary is gathering momentum. The last time I looked there were 851 supporters of the "no" vote. If you want to support the campaign, then go to the link and vote. The more people who support the "no" campaign, the better chances we have of preventing this precious habitat and SSSI being ruined forever.
The beautiful Kingsbridge Estuary
This is where I was raised as a child. I have seen much of the world but this unassuming part of the world beats the lot in my view. OK, I am biased. This vote is aiming to prevent water skiing in the estuary, so helping to maintain this very special place. At present it is an unspoilt place. Let us keep it that way for future generations.

UPDATE 2100z:  862 votes now.  Keep voting! Every vote helps.

Anglesey Abbey Dahlias

The dahlia border at National Trust property Anglesey Abbey is in full bloom, at least 4 weeks ahead of this time last year. This is always a splendid sight. This year is no exception.  Apparently, they put them in the ground in pots then just lift them when they have finished flowering.

Tuesday, 19 August 2014


After putting the grass cuttings in the compost heap this afternoon, we spotted this fellow on the path. Think he must live somewhere in the garden.

See .

Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness

Autumn (at the moment) seems to have arrived early this year. We have had a lovely sunny summer but all the fruits and berries are early by 1-2 months. Our tomato plants are ripening and next doors' fruit trees are laden with apples and plums. Our sweet peas are being cut every day. In the house they smell wonderful, but these are ephemeral and last only a few days.
Sweet peas with the orchard next door behind.
This afternoon I managed to cut the front lawn in less than 30 minutes, which is a "post stroke" record, and without breaks. The previous time was 35 minutes and before that 45 minutes and several stops for rests.

John Keats was right in his famous poem, To Autumn.