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Saturday, 7 February 2015

High streets

The economic downturn and the internet have had a huge impact on UK High Streets. In some towns a fifth of all shops are vacant. Clearly the "model" will have to change.   Already there are far more coffee shops and similar. Maybe the internet giants will start to have more of a presence on UK High Streets?

Whatever evolves, town centres will be quite different in 10 years time. Maybe the John Lewis model will be the example? I.e. have some large city centre stores which sell goods but also a healthy, non-competitive, internet business too?

Perhaps more than most, book shops have suffered. Virtually any book can be found on the internet in just a few seconds. Even in Cambridge, quite a few bookshops have gone. Many small book traders prefer to do all their business on the internet.

Ukraine peace?

So far, this conflict has claimed at least 5400 lives. Lives simply wasted. The latest peace suggestions by France and Germany seem to have been largely rejected in Moscow.

Clearly some of the Russian speaking parts near the Russian border would prefer to be part of Russia. Surely some sort of agreement along these lines will be the basis for peace in the end? A lot of this is posturing. The Russians claim they are not directly involved. Many in Ukraine are looking to Europe for their future.  Compromse has to be sought.

The sooner all sides see sense the better for all.

See .

Friday, 6 February 2015

Swaffham Prior

Today, in the bright cold winter sunshine (3 deg C) we visited Swaffham Prior in East Cambridgeshire. This village has 2 windmills and 2 churches . The churches are next door to each other in the same churchyard. Both churches date from the 13th century.

See .

Thursday, 5 February 2015

"On your side"

Ed Miliband does not come across as a charismatic leader, but then again, nor do the leaders of the other parties. Churchill was charismatic back in WW2.

At the moment I have no idea for whom I shall be voting at the next general election this spring here in the UK.

See .

Ukraine peace bid

European leaders are trying to get a new peace deal for Ukraine, a crisis region where already 5400 lives have been lost. This is such a waste.

See .

If ever there was an example of a futile war this is it. Russia denies involvement. Clearly the Russian speaking east of the nation seeks closer ties with Russia, whilst much of Ukraine seeks to be closer integrated in Europe. Civil war is not the answer.

Tesco and other supermarkets

From time to time we buy fuel and food from Tesco.  However, I am appalled that this supermarket chain allegedly, treats many suppliers very badly, paying some very late or too little as in the case of milk suppliers. I know Tesco is not alone and that some other supermarkets are also treating their suppliers poorly.

We customers are often complicit as we demand ever lower prices.  However, personally I'd be happy to have fewer lines to choose from and to pay a bit more to ensure suppliers are fairy rewarded.

Tesco is currently under investigation. See .

FTSE 100

Although down (slightly) on yesterday, the FTSE 100 seems to be recovering and should be back in positive territory this afternoon barring any shocks.

UPDATE 1410z:  Still gradually coming back. Still negative, but only just.

UPDATE 1735z:  FTSE 100 ended the day 0.09% up.

See .