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Monday, 9 March 2015

Feeling so much older

Before my cerebellum brain bleed in Sept 2013 I felt like I would go on for ever. Since that eventful day I have felt ill and old.

Even the pace of improvements seems to have slowed markedly. Somehow I feel older and more vulnerable. I know my time left is limited. I always knew this but the traumatic events suddenly made me realise. My hope is still that I shall make a full recovery but it is taking much longer than I was expecting.


The evenings are getting much lighter now with sunset now 5.53pm. At Christmas the sun was setting here around 3.50pm. In a few weeks' time we go over to British Summer Time and then we really will be in Spring.

I am also waking up earlier, suggesting the mornings are getting much lighter too. Sunrise is currently 6.29am, although it is actually light about 30 minutes earlier.

Labour fear mongering?

See .

Ed Balls is claiming that, if the Conservatives get back into office there will be very large cuts in public spending.  I have no idea if this is correct or not.  What is clear is that further drastic cuts are probably needed whatever the flavour of government.  As a nation we have to live within our means.  No ifs, no buts.

Saturday, 7 March 2015


For the first time this year, we sat outside in the garden and had a cup of tea in the sunshine. It felt quite warm for a change. We visited the "Burwell at Large" exhibition at the village college earlier this afternoon. Inside the village college it was hot. I refilled the garden bird bath and was entertained by a blackbird who spent several minutes in it later, preening and washing himself. He clearly enjoyed himself.

My wife Lis did some weeding. I was rather too exhausted to do very much. By now I was expecting to be fully fit again, but I still get times and days when I am totally shattered, like today.

Friday, 6 March 2015

Stroke after effects

My brain is still exhibiting some bizarre effects. I still have problems with drinking thin liquids, speaking, getting tired and feeling drunk when walking, but it is not seeing obvious errors with words on my blogs that is fascinating. My problem, back in Sept 2013, was a cerebellum brain bleed, that was operated on.

For example, on another of my blogs I wrote "as" instead of "has" but it took a long time to realise this was wrong. It is as if my brain does not process words quite correctly, or at least not quickly. It is not a serious issue and I correct the errors as soon as I do spot them. It happens quite a bit so I think it is real and not just me being paranoid.

I am finding it harder to get absorbed in TV dramas too. It is as if my memory has been affected in some way. My basic intellect is still sharp, but recalling some things can be a problem. Maybe this is just age? I am desperate to get my "old self" back, but know it could be a long road. Knowing now how bad I was I guess I was pretty lucky and I could have ended up as a terrible mess mentally and physically.

Richard, an old friend, told my wife to get me into hospital fast in Sept 2013. Looking back, this probably saved my life.

See .

History destroyed

Whatever the conflict, I find it tragic when the history of a country is destroyed.

This happened in WW2 in Germany (e.g.Dresden) and is even now happening in the Middle East. Absolutely no society has the right to erase history for ever. The past is what made us now. We are part of that history. People, whatever their backgrounds, are vandals if they try to wipe out the past.

See .

Migrant population

According to recent research data the migrant population in the UK has risen by 565000 since 2011. This is a huge increase. We need to find more effective ways of controlling net inward migration, allowing in skills we need but perhaps turning away people we do not need.

True refugees are different and, like the rest of Europe, we should hold out the hand of friendship to those who come to our shores as a result of war and strife in their own lands.

Although I do not intend to vote UKIP in the May General Election, the EC has a lot to answer for. Some people we do need.  Many we do not. Where possible, jobs should be offered to UK citizens, although the work ethic of some from Eastern Europe is very good. The main attraction is the health of our UK economy: even low wages here in the UK are better than no work at all in their own countries. This requires a points system and needs to apply to all entering the UK for work and residency.

BTW, both my sons married citizens from outside the UK!

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