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Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Oil prices

Funny (strange) how oil prices have fallen again in the last week or so, yet prices at the pumps have increased. Of course, the big oil companies will have many reasons for the lag. Let us hope prices for oil and diesel do actually fall again.

Judges and porn?

See .

Although we live in a free country and, within reason, people are free to choose what they look at and read, the judges who were caught with porn on their work PCs must have been stupid. My personal view is you should be free to watch/read whatever you like in private as long as no-one else is impacted. Using a work account is not acceptable.

Monday, 16 March 2015

UK Met Office weather forecasts - rubbish?

We spend millions on new super-computers yet our Met Office seems incapable of making a decent weather forecast! We planned to meet our son and granddaughter at our local  farm shop in the (promised) sunshine so our granddaughter could enjoy the slides, swings and toy tractors. Sadly the forecast is now for light rain! Honestly, even over a few days the forecasts change so much that they cannot be relied on. Basically a piece of wet seaweed would be as accurate.

UK General Election - May 7th 2015

Well, this time I really have no-idea who to vote for! Historically, this was a safe Conservative seat but the standing MP (Sir James Paice) is not up for re-election. Tactical voting is probably essential. As stated previously  there are things in the policies of all parties I like. There are also bad things about most parties. I think I shall be using my "first pass the post" vote to vote for the least bad party.  There is no single party I want to vote into power. At the moment it is either Labour (but I cannot stand Ed or some of his shadow cabinet) or Conservative (David Cameron is a good leader, but I dislike many of his policies). Last time I voted Lib Dem, but fear wasting my vote this time around. I voted Green in the European  elections, but here it was not "first pass the post".

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Upcoming Cambridge Concert

This is advanced warning of an upcoming CCS concert April 25th 2015 at the West Road Concert Hall in Cambridge. This is a great venue with good seating, great acoustics, warmth and local parking. This should be a great concert.

Saturday, 14 March 2015

Sand martins in Devon

Spring has (almost) sprung! There have now been several sightings of 20+ sand martins in South Devon. These are among the first of the migrants to return. They are the smallest hirundine.  Sand martins have dark brown upper parts and they winter in Africa.  In recent years sand martin numbers have plummeted and they are now on the RSPB's "amber" list.  There are estimated to be 54,000-174,000 nests in the UK. This sounds a lot, but numbers are dropping because of droughts on their migration routes in some years.

By the month end we should have house martins and swallows back in Devon who will have flown 6000 miles to be here in the UK again. When the swallows return here in East Anglia you know all is still well with the world:. they have been making this journey for many thousands , if not millions, of years. Most return to the very same nests they used last summer, if they can. I find the return of the martins, swallows and swifts a real joy. It makes me glad to be alive.


Saddham's old stronghold is currently being fought over in Iraq and may fall to Iraqi government forces soon we are told.

See .