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Thursday, 26 March 2015

Falling FTSE 100

Already this morning, the FTSE 100 share index has tumbled 1.27% and I have the feeling further falls are likely.

See .


We seem to have had far more rain here in East Anglia in recent years. When I first came to this part of England 45 years ago it was pretty dry.   Nowadays we seem to get our fair share of rain. Climate change?

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

FTSE 100 below 7000 again?

Although there is still a chance it will creep back again, it looks like the FTSE 100 will close below 7000 this evening. With the continued uncertainty in Europe I can see it falling back quite a bit in the coming months.

Lady Day - March 25th

Today, March 25th, is Lady Day. This was an important day years ago linked to the old liturgical calendar, the courts and legal matters.

See .

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

FTSE 100 falls a bit

Although still above 7000, the FTSE 100 index fell 0.26% today. It was in positive territory for most of the day.

I think we could see a lot of turbulence in the run-up to the next UK General Election and in the days and weeks that follow. All the polls suggest a tight result with a clear winner unlikely.

It would not surprise me to have another coalition government. In my view this would be no bad thing if the Lib-Dems were part. I hope UKIP do not do well as they seem to be a messy party with few thought out policies. All they really want it seems is the UK out of Europe. Most of us want a better deal with more control of our borders, but a vote for one of the major parties is likely to be more useful in a "first past the post" election

See .

Visit from my brother

This afternoon we picked up my brother John (4 years older than me) from Cambridge railway station. He travelled up from Totnes in Devon by train.  John was a regular visitor when I was in hospital. It was last June that he last came up as every time a visit was planned we seemed to have grandchildren. He is staying until Friday. It is great to see him again.

Monday, 23 March 2015

FTSE 100 reaches new heights

Today, the FTSE 100 reached new heights, some way above 7000. I wonder if it will crash soon?

See .