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Sunday, 6 March 2016

Our mortality

This has been mentioned here before. 

Currently I am 67.  As we get older, I guess we think of mortality more and more. With not having been well for 2.5 years I guess you think about this even more, knowing that it is likely you will die before too long. It could be next week or it could be in 30 years. It comes to us all.

No-one really knows what happens. Maybe it is just to dust that we turn, even though most religions talk of an afterlife. We knew nothing of before we were born so would nothingness matter?

I guess no good is done by worrying about this. It all depends on individual consciousness. Does anything exist after our bodies turn to dust? What is the nature of that thing we call the mind? One thing is certain, we have small brains and the mysteries of life are great and mostly beyond our understanding.

Life after death? Honestly I think  no-one knows.

Friday, 4 March 2016

More FTSE 100 shares - Friday March 4th

After an early climb, the FTSE 100 share index has been pretty stable all morning. It is currently up 0.52% and been around this level most of the morning.  Sentiment is wishing it higher whereas in the real world it should be much lower.

Thursday, 3 March 2016

FTSE 100 UK share index

It is currently 1114z and the UK share index, the FTSE 100, is up by 0.40% on the day after a shaky start. It could still tumble later.  At its peak, early last year, it was over 7100.


UPDATE 1354z:  Currently the FTSE 100 share index is down 0.22% on yesterday.

UPDATE 1615z:  The FTSE 100 is down 0.25% but climbing.

A picture a day

For some years now my wife and I have done a photo a day as a record of our daily lives. I stopped when I was ill and started again in Jan 2015. It is interesting to see what we did. Unlike some, who go for very "arty" pictures, mine is just a record of ordinary daily life. If you pay $19 annually you can have more albums and private viewing. It is great fun to look back. When people say, "we last came to see you in June" you can say, "actually you came on May 27th" or similar.

See .

Wednesday, 2 March 2016


Yet again the FTSE 100 UK share index is up on yesterday at 6163.97 when I last looked.  It rose sharply earlier, but has been falling for a while. I guess it could go negative later. 

With so much uncertainty I think it will fall sharply soon, although I am frequently wrong! In this case, I very much hope I am proved wrong. Looking at China and Greece I somehow think that emotion rather than reality is driving the markets at present. 

Sooner rather than later the world will wake up to several facts:

  1. Growth cannot go on for ever with limited resources.
  2. Oil will run out.
  3. The population has yet to peak in the world.
  4. All the world needs feeding
  5. All the world deserves a decent standard of living.

Tuesday, 1 March 2016


This came to me via Steve G1KQH:-

See .

Any slowdown in China matters to the West.

FTSE 100

It is now 1238z and the FTSE 100 UK share index stands at 6143.2 which is up 0.73%. With all that is happening in China, I was half expecting a dramatic fall. It seems the stock market wants a recovery, whereas world events are pulling the other way. I reckon we will see dramatic falls before things start  to recover. The world will move away from China, much as they did with Japan. China will become too expensive.

"We ain't seen nothing yet", as the famous phrase went.