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Showing posts with label brexit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label brexit. Show all posts

Friday, 22 March 2019


If you live in the UK I expect, like me, you are sick and tired of BREXIT and the apparent inability of our elected MPs to agree on anything. A petition on the UK Government website calling for Article 50 to be scrapped is reported to have over 3 million signatures already. Experts think it very unlikely this is due to bots. Most votes are genuine.

No, most people in the UK and EU are appalled by our apparent lack of ability to agree on anything. There is no doubt that leaving the EU has terminally affected UK politics. A radical re-alignment of UK political parties seems highly likely in the next 10-20 years. I have little doubt that the EU will miss us, assuming we do leave.

BREXIT is going to have far reaching consequences. In the end, I am sure the UK will be fine, whether inside or outside the EU, but these next few years could be difficult as things change.

Sunday, 3 March 2019

BREXIT - what next?

This is anyone's guess!

There are several big and important votes in parliament next week and it is in everyone's best interest that a deal is struck. The EU sells us more than we sell to the EU. No-one wants a "no deal" ending.

It seems to me like a game of "who blinks first", except this is no game. Actually I think the EU is miffed that we have the audacity to leave and is scared others might follow if the UK's deal is too good.  No doubt all will be clearer in a few weeks' time.

Monday, 28 January 2019


I have mixed views on BREXIT. I narrowly voted to "remain" in the EU, but there is a lot wrong with it.

It is by no means certain that Theresa May (UK Prime Minister) will get her "plan B" or any of the amendments approved in the UK parliament tomorrow night when these are voted upon. With regard to BREXIT, it is a case of "who blinks first" I think. The EU seems in no hurry, but risks lots of business and £39 billion.

I cannot for the life of me understand why agreeing a deal beneficial to both sides should be so hard. Surely it is in the best interests of the EU and the UK to forge a good deal. We are leaving, so let us go with good feelings on both sides.

The main issues are, as always, politicians with vested self interests.

Tuesday, 15 January 2019


My dad did not mince words. If he was still alive he would say, "they couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery". How right he would be!

Sunday, 6 January 2019


Whether you voted "remain" or "leave" in the EU referendum, we can all agree on one thing: we are in a right mess!

At the moment the UK parliament is likely to reject the latest proposal and we are due to leave the EU in March this year. If I was a betting man, I would expect our departure to be delayed and some compromise deal agreed afterwards.

Most in the UK are bored with BREXIT and can't believe the mess. All we ever wanted was some control over those who live and work in the UK and tariff free trade with the EU. We never wanted a common currency and taxes, I think. Deep down, I expect most EU nations want this, along with peace in Europe. If this means an EU defence force instead of NATO, so be it.

Back to the drawing board...

Wednesday, 28 February 2018

EU and Brexit

So the EU has published its draft bill on the UK leaving the EU. Since it was published, the UK pound has lost value against all major currencies. No doubt it will recover, but at the moment the UK seems to be fumbling around over what it really wants once we leave.

Why did we not say the referendum would not be binding unless the majority was x %? As it is the margin of "leave" over "remain" was a small 4%, with almost a half not wishing to leave the EU. I suspect fewer would vote leave now. Many want controls over immigration but still want the tariff-free trade with the EU.

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

EU and BREXIT talks

At the moment the EU seems to want to play "hard ball" with the UK over Brexit. Personally, I think it is in the interest of most in the EU to reach a good settlement.

Many of us in the UK only wanted Brexit so we could keep control over our population: we are a small island with limited space and resources. Like many, I actually voted to remain in the EU, even though it was/is far from perfect.

No, personally, I think the hard EU line is because they are peeved we are leaving and will no longer contribute money to the project. EU nations need our trade. We will be free to trade with the world on our terms.

EU - get real!

Thursday, 30 March 2017

UK Pound and BREXIT

OK it is very early days, but the day after the letter triggering the BREXIT process the UK pound is up against most currencies including the euro and US dollar.

UPDATE 30.3.17 1630z: Still up.

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

EU and the UK pound

Since the Prime Minister clarified our position on leaving the EU following the BREXIT vote, I see that the UK pound is up against every currency. I guess people had already factored in that we are leaving the EU and are happy to have some certainty now.

Although I have said this before, it would not surprise me if the Euro lost a lot of value this year. The EU is in grave danger of falling apart.

I voted to "remain" in the EU, but many nations want free trade but NOT a United States of Europe. France is France. Germany is Germany, etc..  National identity IS important.  Originally the EU was about maintaining peace in Europe, but it has grown a lot in recent years and has rather lost its way.  Basically I think the EU is "a good thing" but it must not be a "gravy train": it should serve the people of Europe.

See .

Thursday, 11 August 2016


It is still too early to tell how this is going to pan out.

The euro, yen and dollar exchange rates have moved in favour of UK exporters and making imports from these nations more expensive.

I have the feeling that the euro will collapse in value in the next 18 months as the remaining EU nations wake up to Greek debt (there is no way they can repay this) and the likelihood of the Greeks defaulting and leaving the EU. This would really hit Germany.  In the end I think the UK will be fine. The UK was a net contributor to the EU and we voted to leave. This puts an even greater burden on the richer EU members.

It would not surprise me if we had a snap General Election here in the UK, especially if the Labour party commits self-imposed suicide and splits in two. Our current Prime Minister, Teresa May,  did not vote for Brexit and neither did any in my family. If a General Election was to be called then the Conservative Party is likely to get a huge majority.

I am currently reading a book on the history of Europe 1789-1989. I had little idea how the borders and alliances changed so much in the 1800s. Clearly Europe is still evolving.

Friday, 1 July 2016


It is now over a week since the UK voted to leave the EU. Although the pound has fallen the stock markets seem to have taken things OK so far. The UK seems to be on a self destruct route at the moment with the Labour party in civil war and the Conservatives thrown into confusion by Boris not standing for PM. It will be some time before the fog clears and we chart a new path.

Personally I do not trust Gove and think Theresa May would make the best PM, although I am not a Conservative voter.

If a snap General Election is called my inclination is to vote Liberal Democrat again.

Friday, 24 June 2016

BREXIT - the new reality

So the referendum has taken place and the UK people have chosen to leave the EU. All of my close family voted to remain IN. The future of the UK is unknown. Indeed, the future of the EU may now be very different. All I hope is that we remain friends with our neighbours in Europe. We have always wanted the EU trade, but we have never sought closer political ties. The future is ours to forge and we must chose a good future that unites its people not divides them.