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Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts

Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Cambridge Snow

As the photo shows, there was a thin covering of snow in Cambridge earlier. This photo was taken at about 1000z today.

Wednesday, 28 February 2018


Most winters these days are mild. This has been the exception with quite a few frosts. Today we have about 3 inches of snow (6-8cms). It has been snowing on and off much of the day. At the moment it looks nice.

Sunday, 17 December 2017


This morning we awoke to a very heavy frost. It was quite late before it became milder.

This photo was taken last week and shows the windmill "next door" on a cold and frosty morning.

Most snow has now gone with just the remnants of snowmen. Already this is a much colder winter than we have seen for several years.

Thursday, 12 January 2017


Usually when the Met Office predicts snow here we get rain. We may get snow here tonight or tomorrow, but I'll believe it when I see it!

Monday, 15 February 2016


We had our first real snow of the winter briefly this morning. It was on the ground, but soon went. Our "London" grandchildren thought it was magical and enjoyed eating the snow, having a snowball fight and making a very small snowman. Like childhood itself, the snow was soon gone.

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Snow here?

Although the possibility of snow was in the weather forecasts earlier in the week, it looks now as if we'll get rain.  It is much colder though by the weekend. Already we have bushes in blossom - far too early. I pruned the front roses today - they always look good when they flower.

Saturday, 21 November 2015

No snow

We seem to have missed the snow.  But there is a biting cold noth wind, it is dry and the sun has come out. It would not surprise me if we got a frost tonight. This would be the first time this autumn. Up to now it has been very mild.

This afternoon we are doing a walk in the village, but we will have to dress up in warm clothes.

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

June snow

I am reminded that 40 years ago we actually had snow on this day! At the moment, it is still windy and wet although the temperatures are not too bad. Later this week we may get better, although there is now a threat of thunderstorms! You cannot win. British weather! I love it.

Monday, 2 February 2015

No real snow yet

Although we have had the occasional snow shower, what we have had has not stayed on the ground for more than a few hours. Tomorrow I have to drive to the Park and Ride car park on the edge of Cambridge. It is possible there will be snow on the ground in the morning.

Friday, 30 January 2015

Snow - at last

We get very little snow over here these days. Today we had the first real snow of the winter, although amounts were small by the standards elsewhere in the UK. This photo was taken this morning around breakfast time.

UPDATE 1525z:  All our snow has now gone. Winters over here are far less severe than they used to be.  Global warming? If we get even a few days with snow on the ground is now the exception. If the wolrd is warming, it could be critical later in the century. The evidence does seem to be pointing to a warming world, although the increase has perhaps stalled in the last 10 years. The sooner we stop subsidising fossil fuels and adapt to renewable energy sources the better.

At one time we could count on at least a couple of weeks of real snow. Last winter we only had a couple of mild frosts. I am not complaining, but if the world

Saturday, 17 January 2015

Snow shower

As we awoke this morning there were quite big snowflakes falling. I took a few pictures, but you cannot even see the snowflakes!  Within an hour the snow had stopped and now there is no sign of it.  It is pretty cold outside and snow later is possible.  So far, our winter has been just about snow free and quite moderate.  It could all change.

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Are we in for a VERY cold winter?

Some are predicting that we are in for a very cold winter here in the UK. Apparently it is, as always, due to the position of the jet stream.

See .  I am no fan of the Daily Express, but I wonder if they will be proved right?

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Winter Sun

It has been a glorious day here in Cambridgeshire. We've now had snow for about a week and after the fresh falls on Thursday night and overnight temperatures between -10 and -14 deg C it is crisp, powdery and white.  It looks like this will last a couple more days before the thaw sets in.