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Sunday, 1 June 2014

House quiet

The "London" grandchildren returned home yesterday evening, so the house is very quiet again without them . Yesterday morning (early) we found them both (3 and 6.5yrs old)  quietly sitting at the foot of our bed on the carpet. They have been as good as gold, although they had to sleep apart Friday night as the little one was too excited and kept waking up here elder brother!

Yesterday we learnt that Edward (5) who lives near Canterbury, is able to ride his 2-wheeled bike without stabilisers. This is a big step for him.

Saturday, 31 May 2014

Cambridgeshire Choral Society - concert tonight

Rutter's Magnificat, Parnell's Dew of Heaven and an organ piece played by Jonathan Lilley at St John's College chapel tonight (Sat May 31st) at 8.00pm. Tickets on the door.

In over 30 years I have only missed a couple of concerts due to ill health. They are usually good value, and of course St John College is in the middle of Cambridge.  Go if you can. You will not be disappointed.

See .

If you enjoy singing, next autumn why not join the choir? Details on the website,above. Please mention this blog.

West Stow - reconstructed Anglo-Saxon settlement

It was amazing how fascinated our 3 and 6.5 year old grandchidren were in this reconstructed Anglo-Saxon village. at West Stow.  They both enjoyed exploring the reconstructed thatched cottages and the 6.5 year old sat mesmorised hearing all about the odd medicines and potions of 1000 years or more ago.
Grandchildren (front left) at West Stow today
We had no idea this was going to be so successful. The Heritage tickets last 1 year so I expect we'll go again and also to Moysey's Hall in Bury-St-Edmunds.

Friday, 30 May 2014

Sleeping together

The two grandchildren started last night in separate beds but the 3 year old decided she wanted to sleep with her 6.5 year old brother in "mum and dad's" bed i.e the double bed used by mum and dad when they stay. Once asleep they were as good as gold not waking until about 0700 and creeping into our bed. We love them.

This morning it was off to Waitrose and Moon's toy shop in Newmarket.

Tomorrow,weather permitting, we are off to West Stow to the reconstructed Anglo-Saxon village so they can see what houses were like 1000 or so years ago. Tickets I understand are valid for a year and include Moysey's Hall in Bury-St-Edmunds.

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Grandchildren for a couple of nights

Busy eating birthday cake
On the wagon
Our " London" grandchildren are staying for a couple of nights. This afternoon, we all went to our local Burwell Museum which the kids just love as there is so much to see and do.  Amandine is three this week so we had birthday cake.
Young archaeologists at the museum

Lucien with Grampy

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Calais camps

Watching some of the refugees at the camps at Calais being dismantled by French police, I am saddened to hear some of their stories. Some are trying to escape wars in their homelands.  Surely we should invite some of these people into the UK as genuine refugees.

Others who are only there opportunistically as economic migrants should be turned away from the UK unless we have a real need of their skills. I wonder what the numbers of genuine political refugees coming into the UK would be? Not that many I suspect. If all EU countries also "took in" genuine refugees the numbers would be small and wholly manageable. I think we have to put ourselves in their position and try to think how we would feel.

The UK should be able to decide who comes to settle here, not the EC. I voted Green, but feel strongly the EC has moved too far now. The UK ultimately is the UK, not Brussels.

Stroke - even more

It is now 3 days without my morning (sickness) medicines and, so far, the sickness is definitely no worse and may be getting better.

Someone wondered whether the reduction in sick feeling is linked to the reduction in liquid (Peg) feeds?  Next Thursday the liquid feed should be ended completely. I hope it is.

At the moment my main issue are giddiness when moving and turning on my feet and general levels of fatigue.