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Tuesday, 29 January 2019


We did a walk this morning at nearby Wicken. As the paths were muddy, we did a walk around the village. Although there was no sign of frost here, there were frozen puddles in Wicken, which is about 3 miles away "as the crow flies".

Monday, 28 January 2019


I have mixed views on BREXIT. I narrowly voted to "remain" in the EU, but there is a lot wrong with it.

It is by no means certain that Theresa May (UK Prime Minister) will get her "plan B" or any of the amendments approved in the UK parliament tomorrow night when these are voted upon. With regard to BREXIT, it is a case of "who blinks first" I think. The EU seems in no hurry, but risks lots of business and £39 billion.

I cannot for the life of me understand why agreeing a deal beneficial to both sides should be so hard. Surely it is in the best interests of the EU and the UK to forge a good deal. We are leaving, so let us go with good feelings on both sides.

The main issues are, as always, politicians with vested self interests.

Black Headed Gull

This black headed gull was on next door's TV antenna earlier. You can almost see it thinking, "now where shall I go for lunch?".  It has been a bright, very cold day here. We just got back from a winter walk.  

It is already somewhat lighter in the early evening. I guess it stay lighter by almost an hour since mid December. Snow expected this week!

Tuesday, 22 January 2019

Earlier Post?

Our mail seems to be arriving earlier. We get one delivery a day and it seems we have a new person on duty. She uses a van. Maybe she does her route in a different order?

Monday, 21 January 2019

Super Blood Moon

At about 0315z, I awoke very briefly. I said to myself that if I awoke again at 0400-0500z I would take a photo of the moon. What happened? I slept until about 0730z. So, no photos of the moon. The next time it is this good is in 10 years' time. Of course, then it will be cloudy! There are lots of photos on the linked page.

Sunday, 20 January 2019

Anglesey Abbey Walk

This afternoon in the winter sunshine we did a walk at nearby Anglesey Abbey. Even this afternoon, it was still frosty, so it must have been very cold last night. Although there are now plenty of snowdrops in flower, we saw no daffodils out yet. There are a very few daffodils out, but not the way we walked.

Moulton, Suffolk, UK

A few days ago we went for a walk around the village of Moulton. It is a drive of about 8 miles there. It has an old clapper bridge, a stream, lots of thatched cottages and a fine old church (see photo). We ate afterwards in the Packhorse Inn.
