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Friday, 2 May 2014

Stroke progress

When I came out of hospital in January I was expecting to get better very quickly. That was early January and we are now early May, almost 4 months later.

Although walking is much better I still have major balance issues best described as feeling like I've just had 8 pints of beer. My eating and drinking by mouth are not that different, especially drinking which I still find hard.  However, I have much less liquid feed directly into my stomach and am eating a larger variety of foods by mouth though.  I must be making progress without realising.

The lesson seems to be to measure progress in many months and not weeks and to be very patient. Progress is slow and in fits and starts.  I have to "hang in there" and not expect to get instantly better. All in its own time. This is not as I expected. Some days I feel I'm actually sliding backwards and this can be disheartening. To be honest, I am very frustrated with the progress.

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Peaches Geldof


What a sad loss of a young life. Heroin was found in her body so she may have died, like her mother, from an overdose? Whatever, it is too young to die for any reason, especially with a child. Sir Bob Geldof lost a young wife and now has lost a daughter. My heart goes out to him in his pain. It must be dreadful for him, especially with a world watching, when all he wants is to be able to grieve in peace.

Carbon Capture

See .

We seem to be sleep-walking into the future with no real attempts to move away from a carbon based energy economy. Oil and gas are very heavily subsidised I believe in many western nations, so there is no imperative to make a switch to more sustainable energy sources. This being so we need to either change (fast) or move to measures that will mitigate the effects of high carbon use.

The UK looks to have been granted EU money (300M euros) to support a pilot project (see BBC report linked). This takes CO2 from coal power station emissions and buries it under the North Sea. If successful, CCS could be a useful technique as we make the switch to a lower carbon energy economy.

 We tend to forget the positive side of EU membership.

Just chilling

Yesterday one of our sons and a granddaughter came and this morning neighbours came for coffee.

This afternoon we are expecting no-one so we are just relaxing - chilling - in our cosy lounge. I am getting blogs up to date and my wife is reading her book. Perfect on a rainy day.

Salt of the earth people

A couple of our neighbours, Margaret and Brian, came over for coffee today. When I was in hospital they were very kind indeed and supportive of my wife.

Strange how a serious illness brings out the worst, and very best, in people. A couple of our "Christian" neighbours  (regular churchgoers and the wife a Sunday school teacher) have hardly wanted to know me - they have called to see me once since leaving hospital (we invited them)  -  whereas others have been totally and genuinely concerned and kind.

Two such are Margaret and Brian - genuine "salt of the earth" people, kind to the very core. Thank you.

I am not seeking kindness, but I can easily tell genuine love and kindness from "sham" kindness (doing good because it is a duty).

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Anglian Water - very impressed

Until we had a burst main yesterday and our water was off for several hours, I had no idea that if one needed water for a medical condition, as I do, that one can register to have bottled water delivered if the supply is off for a long period. Anglian Water was very good, ringing me several times during the day. As it happened, our water was back on after lunch at reduced pressure and the burst fully mended early evening. No bottled water was needed.

I have to say I was very impressed with the service and level of care that Anglian Water showed to its customers.

UKIP and European Elections

In a few weeks' time we in the UK vote in the European elections. UKIP is expected to do well, no doubt as an anti-European protest vote. As a voter,  I am still undecided who to vote for, but it will not be UKIP. In my personal view (others may well disagree) UKIP is a single issue party - Europe in or out - and they have failed to demonstrate - to me - any other policies. In my personal view (others may well disagree) UKIP is a bit like a British National Party (BNP) but with enough respectability that ordinary voters can vote for them with a clear conscience.

No, the decision on who to vote for is unclear as yet except it will not be UKIP or the BNP.