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Saturday, 7 October 2017

Life "on the edge"

Often, I find it hard to explain to others just how I feel inside having had a stroke 4 years ago. Outwardly I look well and "normal".

And yet I feel giddy when on my feet all the time and I get tired very quickly. The best way I can describe life is "on the edge". My voice is very poor and I find verbal communications hard these days.

In many ways I am lucky. Inside though I still feel well below "normal".  I am not looking for sympathy, but I do feel frustrated and quite understand how hard it must be for others with hidden disabilities. People may be suffering inside when you don't realise.

Autumn flowers

Autumn cyclamen at Anglesey Abbey earlier this week. Photo taken by my wife. At every time of the year there is something to enjoy there. Dahlias are nearing their end and in a few months the first daffodils will be out.

Thursday, 5 October 2017

Toadflax (I think)

This was growing wild just a few metres from our bungalow. It must have just flowered as I'd not seen it before.

See .

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

EU and BREXIT talks

At the moment the EU seems to want to play "hard ball" with the UK over Brexit. Personally, I think it is in the interest of most in the EU to reach a good settlement.

Many of us in the UK only wanted Brexit so we could keep control over our population: we are a small island with limited space and resources. Like many, I actually voted to remain in the EU, even though it was/is far from perfect.

No, personally, I think the hard EU line is because they are peeved we are leaving and will no longer contribute money to the project. EU nations need our trade. We will be free to trade with the world on our terms.

EU - get real!


Some people, I know, have a totally irrational fear of spiders. Luckily, like daddy-longlegs and mice, I have no fear of them. Actually, I think they are fun. Certainly here in the UK, they are genrally harmless.
A few days ago we had one about 5cms long (including its legs) in the lounge. It got put out of the window, as we do with those trapped in the bath.

Spider's webs can be beautiful, as this one at Anglesey Abbey today.

Monday, 2 October 2017


Whilst we are getting the garden ready for winter (impatiens up) our hollyhocks are still flowering, so these won't be cut back just yet.

Summer started well, but ended up average here in the UK.


I'm not quite sure what happened to summer. It came and went very quickly this year, probably as I am older and time seems to slip by. Autumn is now upon us and leaves are starting to fall on the lawns. Every season has something good.