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Friday 3 July 2015

Hot weather and the grass

I am battling to cut both lawns in this intense heat. I have cut the front lawn but still have to do the back lawn.  Later, I think this heat will break and we will get a downpour. Off to do the back lawn now.

UPDATE 1530z:  Both lawns cut now, but the grass is becoming brown with the heat.  Both front and rear lawns need a good long soaking! A good storm with lots of rain for a few hours might help. Watering with a hose really only makes the surface damp unless it is done for a long time. Even in the driest of summers, lawns seem to bounce back when real rain does arrive.

See .

UPDATE 2048z:  Watered parts of the front grass for more than 30 minutes as well as the flowers. Wonder if the dry patches will recover?

Hot weather

The intense heat continues with temperatures in the 30's deg C expected here. The thunder risk remains. As I write this at 1010 local time it already feels HOT here. This very hot weather is unlikely to last. In true British fashion, we are always moaning about it being too hot, too cold, or  too wet! We should be glad the weather is so good. It is good that the nice weather is happening around the time of long, light evenings. It is light here until after 10pm.

Tuesday 30 June 2015

Thunder storms

This next few days we are at great risk of thunder and lightning. We are in the middle of a heatwave with hot, damp air moving up from the south. As a precaution I have disconnected my amateur radio rigs, PC, antennas and mains plugs.

Luckily I have never suffered a lightning strike but know friends who have. One was living in a very ordinary home, was not a radio amateur or short wave listener, had no big antennas, but his electrics were ruined. Earth's natural electrical activity should always be treated with respect. I don't like thunderstorms at all.  Even if not directly hit, the power surges can cause damage.

As I write this, Greece is having bad storms according to the maps.

See .

Monday 29 June 2015

Hate and the internet

There is no doubt that the internet is a powerful force for good and evil. It allows people to connect, whether fit or disabled and irrespective of class, creed, or sexual orientation,and anywhere in the world. However there is also a dark side. People can use it to spread hate and violence.

There is a fine line between openness and censorship. I am a believer that what a person does in private is his or her affair as long as no-one else is hurt. What is acceptable to one person may not be to someone else. However, I believe it is right to take down anything that is hateful or incites others to act in a hateful way.

I don't think this is ambiguous or likely to lead to problems. Here I am thinking about social media, websites etc. Facebook, Twitter, and similar plus ISPs should act responsibly. All that is required is a light touch. If a post, or website is likely to encourage hate, then it should be taken down. If not, it can stay.

Saturday 27 June 2015

Lunch in the garden

 On a lovely summer day we ate our salad lunch in the garden. Such days are all too rare, but all the nicer when they occur. I'd hate a climate when it was warm all year around. We sat on the patio (LHS). Later, a friend called on the off-chance and we had cold drinks and biscuits outside too. The car needs a wash but this will have to wait until it is cooler.


I feel sorry for this nation which is bound to be adversely affected by the killings yesterday. Tunisia is a peaceful country that just wanted to get on with life as usual. Sadly, this will not be so for some time to come: tourists are likely to choose alternative destinations and desert Muslim nations. Surely in the end this is counter-productive?

Friday 26 June 2015

Hot days

At last we seem to be in English high summer with high temperatures and high humidity. Although we have passed the  longest day, evenings are still light for weeks to come. The real change tends to come in September. It must be my age but it seems only 5 minutes since last Christmas! We'll blink and it will be Christmas 2015 and the nights will start to draw out again!

When we have long summer evenings it is all too easy to take them for granted. There is something nice about all the seasons: each has its own beauty. Of all the seasons, spring is my favorite with the cold winter gone and done with and new life in the earth.