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Showing posts with label kindness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kindness. Show all posts

Tuesday 30 January 2018

Random Kindness

In the news we tend to hear about bad things, but rarely good things.

Well, in my experience there are far more kind people than bad ones. Since my stroke over 4 years ago I cannot remember all the kind things people have done for me.

Only today I received something in the post totally free that a kind person had sent me. It was heartening to hear of other acts of kindness by total strangers on the BBC Breakfast TV programme.


Monday 14 July 2014

Real kindness

This morning, I was reminded yet again just how kind people are.

Already, I have had three kind and generous offers to build and test my Ultimate-3 beacon kit, an  amateur radio project  which is currently beyond my building skills because of my brain injury. I still hope to build this myself, but may wait a few more months until I'm less wobbly and clumsy.

This is not the first time I have been touched by the genuine kindness of others. It restores one's faith in humankind: there are some truly kind people around. These people seek no reward, no money - they are offering because they are genuinely kind and caring.  Thank you all.

Sometimes we hear about all the bad things in this world. Believe me, the world has very many kind and caring people in it. This last week I have be so touched by the love of caring people.

I have come to the conclusion that there are far more kind and good people than evil, cruel people. It is up to us all to share this love with others.

Tuesday 8 July 2014


Last night, we were sent a copy of our oldest grandson's school report. He is 6.5 years old and lives in London. He is getting on really well, but the thing that pleased us most was that the school think of him as a kind little boy who is faithful to his best friend.

One thing my recent illness has taught me is you find out who your real friends are. Some people that I had expected to be overflowing with kindness and genuine love just don't want to get involved: they have avoided finding out how I am really feeling and this shows and hurts.   Others have gone out of their way to be genuinely kind and caring, bless them. Most times I try to manage but it is good to have genuinely caring friends and relatives. Genuine love shines brightly.

As an example, one of my hobbies is amateur radio and I normally enjoy building and experimenting. This week, two people, one a total stranger, have offered to build a kit I've had for some months. The kit has been left unbuilt as my hands are too clumsy. Such genuine kindness. I was overwhelmed by their offers.

I am so pleased that my grandson is kind and caring. We love him to bits and this is how we find him. I hope he grows up to be kind and loving.