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Saturday 5 May 2018


"Little bit of bread and no "cheeeese". These birds are quite common in the right spots in the UK, but they are on the RSPB's red list.


Tuesday 1 May 2018


This swan was enjoying a bit of quiet time at Anglesey Abbey earlier. There is a nest there and I think the pair of swans are taking turns on it.

UK Identity Card?

In the UK we seem to have a problem with illegal immigrants. One solution proposed is an ID card for each legal person living here. You would need this to obtain benefits. I think this would help, but I am not 100% sure.

In the light of the debacle over "the Windrush generation" in which people who were legally here but denied rights and deported (can you believe this?), it might help. This action is wholly inexcusable!!
As for the government I simply do not care whether it is Labour, Conservative or Monster Raving Loony.  This a total balls up.

As a legally here person, I have no problems with such a card, although I have not been through all the arguments.

Sunday 29 April 2018

"Our" Windmill

We live right next door to a 200 year old, restored windmill. Our garden is just visible in the lower left.

Friday 27 April 2018


Earlier this week we went to see the bluebells in Waresley Woods to the west of Cambridge. The paths were much wetter than we expected after the hot weather last week.

Tree Roots

I think this tree was blown over in a recent gale. The roots exposed clearly show the sandy soil in which it grew. Brandon Country Park.

Tree Rings

This tree looks like it was about 35 years old when it either blew down in a gale or was deliberately felled. It was in Brandon Country Park yesterday.