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Tuesday 3 April 2018

Ideas Website

This website was found by accident. It has some interesting videos. It is worth checking out.

Sunday 1 April 2018

Lack of faith?

Our local church is now very "happy clappy". My wife got me to go today as it is Easter Sunday.  

Although I used to be a regular worshipper at our church, these days I hardly ever go. In some ways I feel more spiritual, but I now feel no religion "cuts it".

This last 12 months has seen the death of two young sons of friends in very sad circumstances. Life seems cruel and no religion adequately explains how a "good" God can be so cruel. To me it seems like randomness. A good God surely could not be this unkind?

In many ways I envy the simple faith of many, but I am finding it harder and harder to feel that I fit in. To me, all religions fail to provide answers.

As I have said many times before, I feel all religions hint at a deeper truth and are, maybe, attempts to come to terms with our finality.

Thursday 22 March 2018


For a while now, my own blogs appear to have not been the targets of hackers.

Meanwhile, far more important systems are vulnerable to cyber attacks such as the NHS, banks and our fuel infrastructure. No doubt our "back room boys" in MI5 and GCHQ and the like are keeping a more watchful eye after the nerve gas attacks in Salisbury on an ex Russian spy and his daughter.

There is little doubt that cyber warfare is a real danger to any nation these days.

Monday 19 March 2018

King's College

Living near Cambridge, we see many famous places that people travel the world to see. We can get in free too. One such is the world famous King's College Chapel shown here.

Sunday 18 March 2018

Village Exhibition

This weekend we have our "Burwell at Large" exhibition where village groups have a chance to showcase themselves.

Burwell is a thriving village with plenty to interest people. One example was the local tower bell ringers who brought along a "mobile belfry".

There are groups in our village covering a very wide range of interests.

Friday 16 March 2018

Red Legged Partridge

For years we have seen these attractive birds around our Close. Then, a couple of months ago, they disappeared.

Today, a couple were outside our home again, probably after food or a nest site. Anyway, it was good to see them around.


Saturday 10 March 2018

Cambridge Posters

These posters were on Bene't Street in Cambridge. In the background is Old School Lane where the Cavendish Laboratories were located. Several Nobel Prizes were won here.

Friday 9 March 2018


For several weeks the Cambridge University Botanic Garden has hosted an orchid festival in its hot houses. We went last year and this. The display was splendid. 

We have had some success in growing these at home. The secret is just a thimbleful of water a week.

Sunday 4 March 2018

Best bus ride in England?

With the closure of the A379 along Slapton Line in Devon we lose one of the very best, if not the best, bus rides in England. I hope they repair it after the storm damage, but I have my doubts.

If you have a bus pass, this is free!

More about storm damage in South Devon

Where I come from in South Devon has been badly hit by recent severe weather and high tides. The road from Dartmouth to Torcross is badly damaged. It is quite likely the road along Slapton Ley will never be rebuilt.


Apparently the government will contribute £2.5M to get the A379 rebuilt.

Head for heights?

Good job I've not got a big tower in my garden!  I get ill just watching this. Imagine working this high!

Caution: if you have a poor head for heights this video is not for you!

Wednesday 28 February 2018


Most winters these days are mild. This has been the exception with quite a few frosts. Today we have about 3 inches of snow (6-8cms). It has been snowing on and off much of the day. At the moment it looks nice.

EU and Brexit

So the EU has published its draft bill on the UK leaving the EU. Since it was published, the UK pound has lost value against all major currencies. No doubt it will recover, but at the moment the UK seems to be fumbling around over what it really wants once we leave.

Why did we not say the referendum would not be binding unless the majority was x %? As it is the margin of "leave" over "remain" was a small 4%, with almost a half not wishing to leave the EU. I suspect fewer would vote leave now. Many want controls over immigration but still want the tariff-free trade with the EU.

Friday 23 February 2018

The USA and guns

So the ever modest President has met pupils from Florida who managed to escape the latest mass school shooting. That is good of him.  We seem to hear about these shootings every week in the USA.

His answer? Allegedly, arm the teachers. Why not ask the basic questions about USA gun crimes instead? The USA seems to have more school mass killings by far than anywhere else. Does no-one want to understand why this is? Could it be something to do with the ease of obtaining deadly weapons perhaps? Better checks, yes. Why sell automatic weapons in the first place? Why sell guns?

Monday 19 February 2018

Church blog - another update

Like buses, they come along together! 

It was months since the churches blog was updated and now it has been updated twice. This time I have added Chippenham (no, not the one in Wiltshire).


The charity OXFAM looks like it is in deep trouble. They seem to have mishandled their operation in Haiti in 2011. It would not surprise me if they lose lots in donations.

If OXFAM people want to use prostitutes this is a private matter and OXFAM should not be involved. The negative publicity is nothing short of a disaster for them.