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Monday 24 November 2014

Al Jazeera - news from the Middle East

Occasionally, it is good to get news from totally different sources. One example is to see how Middle Eastern broadcaster Al Jazeera has covered Ebola in recent weeks.

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Sometimes Al Jazeera has news that we never hear about on the BBC.  For example I had no idea that Tripoli airport in Libya was recently attacked by unidentified jets. If the BBC covered this then I must have missed it.

Nations spying

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It looks like some nation state is intent on stealing our data.   Regin is a newly discovered computer spyware program recently discovered by Symantic.

My voice

My poor speaking voice really frustrates me. On the phone I say, to me it is clearly, that my wife is out and "please ring after 2". Then the caller says, "when shall I call?". Darn it, I just told you, but you clearly did not hear me!

The problem is at my end - either I speak too fast or not clearly enough to be understood.  It really does cause so much confusion and frustration. Stroke! I have to learn to speak much slower and much more clearly.

Saving government money

Although I welcome my free bus pass and winter fuel allowance, I am sure money can be saved by targeting these at people in real need, and not just shelling these out to all over 60?

Surely they can address the winter fuel allowance another way, for example by increasing the tax free income allowance? Much lower cost and it targets those in most need.  Most would pay tax on this allowance whereas those on really low incomes would not pay tax.

Likewise free bus passes. Maybe a nominal sum for all trips (20p?) or only make the bus passes free for OAPs receiving an old age pension? Males over 60 but not yet getting an OAP would have to pay a bit longer.

On both these the government should be able to save millions. The free bus pass and winter fuel allowances are "good things",  but surely in this age of austerity they both need to be better targeted at those who really need them?

Sunday 23 November 2014

Immigration - the OTHER side of the story.

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A lot of UK citizens chose to live or retire in other EU countries. When we talk of restricting immigration into the UK we must remember that many also want to live elsewhere in Europe.

I think the real issue is we remain a very small, overcrowded, island.

Strictly Come Dancing

When a teenager I enjoyed ballroom dancing with my girlfriend Ann. It is very many years since I have danced. I really want to keep those memories as they were.  We made a good dancing couple.

These days, I watch "Strictly" on TV, but pretend not to! I hope Frankie wins as I vote for her most weeks on-line for free. Lis votes by phone.  Frankie looks a bit like my dear wife Lis when we first met. Frankie is a good dancer, of course.

"Strictly" is a "feel good" programme, ideal to cheer you up. I never take it too seriously. It is the nearest I come to reality TV.  I absolutely abhor "Big Brother". Every time I have (accidentally) watched small parts people are either sleeping or arguing. I just do not see what fun it is to watch.

Hamilton wins F1 championship
I do not follow F1 racing, but I see Lewis Hamilton has won the championship for a second time. I have no ideas what his future plans are. This remains a dangerous sport. I admire his bravery.

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